Thursday, January 31, 2008
Fiber Artists Take over the White House!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Oh yeah - that's what I'm talkin' about! This, my devoted Knit Witch followers, is what I like to refer to as a "TOTAL SPINNING SCORE"! Yeah, I know, I know - it ain't perfect but I think it's pretty darn good and I am actually learning about making adjustments and drafting length and twist. More importantly, I am actually having fun with it rather than wanting to throw the demon spinning wheel out the window. Fun and minimal anger are always a bonus in my (and Mr. Man's) book. Only once last night did he have to say "OK - I'll stop talking".
While I did that - he made these:
These are the beginning stages of buttons. Here's a closer view.

These are still very much experimental - they have not been fired or glazed yet and we are going to do some "plain" ones too that just get glazed but I think they are looking pretty good so far!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
On My Way to the Master's Tuesday

Sunday, January 27, 2008
Knitch Folks are Awesome!
For anyone else that was not able to purchase one today or who wanted a color that we didn't have with us - check out the website and you can purchase a bowl there. If you are local and go to Knitch, just email me with the one you want and we will bring it to you - saving you the shipping charges!

Saturday, January 26, 2008
Celebrating with a Beer!!

I know, it still looks like crap BUT I was actually able to **finally** get the fiber to feed onto the bobbin consistently (thanks Katey for the tips)! This is my second "yarn" but the first time I felt that it actually went even sort of as planned. I'm SO excited - I didn't even cry once! Maybe a few unsightly words here and there but that is simply to be expected, don't you think? I know it does not seem like a big deal but it feels like it is. So, therefore, I'm treating myself to a beer! Who wants to join me????

Friday, January 25, 2008
Who Wants to Read the Stories??
I swear, I'll actually post about some knitting content soon. But, just so everyone has a heads up, we are going to start making cool ceramic buttons and shawl pins soon! YAY! So those will be more fun knitting embellishments for everyone. Also, we have a new round of yarn bowls going in the kiln soon! I'll keep ya posted.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
My funniest story is about a knitted toy class I took at a LYS several years ago. We all made felted mouse puppets and mine was all knitted up. All I had to do was attach the tail and felt it. I was working away, in class, and proudly held up my mouse when I finished attaching the tail. It was aligned perfectly except for one thing: I attached the tail to the FRONT of the puppet instead of the back! You can imagine what it looked like! Everyone started to laugh and that's when I realized the mistake. My face turned SO red and we all had a good laughing session because of this!
Then we drew a name randomly out of a hat for another winner. Everyone who placed a link to the contest on their blog was entered in the drawing. The winner drawn for that was SANDY! Sandy will get whichever prize that Phyllis did not choose.
We will post ALL the stories on the website (anonymously). We will star the ones that made it to the finalist stage. I just need to adjust the formatting and such. I'll let everyone know when they are up. Wayne and I had so much fun going through them - definitely a great contest. Thank you to everyone who entered and posted the link!
Congratulations to the winners!!!
Sunday Knitch
Mr. Man and I are going through the contest enteries right now and will announce the winners later today. We had 54 enteries!!!! Check back soon for the annoucements!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Guess what?!?!
We got a call about 1:00 this AM that her water had broken so we went over there to sleep and get said 3 year old all ready and off to school later that morning. So, it worked!! Baby Annabelle is here!! Just one day shy of my birthday darnit! I called my son and he is going to pick up a little pink Scalini's t-shirt for baby Annabelle and bring it with him tomorrow when he comes for my birthday. You KNOW you will be seeing pictures of that soon!
Don't forget - all enteries for the contest must be in by midnight tonight! Good luck!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
On my way to the masters Tuesday.......

Monday, January 21, 2008
Don't Forget..........
Saturday, January 19, 2008
More Snow in the ATL
Our Dogs in snow.
Our house in snow.
Our car in snow (pregnant neighbor house in the background).
Front yard.
Back deck and hot tub.
Our neighbor is VERY pregnant due any day now. We are really hoping that tonight is not the night we have to drive her to the hospital. Her husband is an MD and working call in the hospital tonight so we are "on duty" should she have to go to the hosptial. Wish us all luck!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Paw Prints
This is "lounging paw" owned by the infamous Slim-who-is-no-longer-slim (probably because he indulges in too much lounging). This is my entry for laziest paw.

And here he is doing some serious lounging attached to his paw (yeah, I had to poke him after about 2 hours to make sure he was still alive).

Here is "peanut paw" owned by little Leo (often referred to as peanut).

Here is Leo lounging with his bunny toy. Man, our pets have it rough, don't they??

Here is "concrete paw" also owned by Leo. It just so happened that there was some wet cement in our neighborhood today so we walked Leo by it and stuck his foot in it! It didn't come out great but here it is anyway. This is my entry for most original paw.

Here is "ouchy paw" owned by Ponce. It isn't really his paw that is ouchy, it's his shoulder, but he is holding the paw up so it makes for a good ouchy paw picture. This is my entry for saddest paw.

Here is the rest of poor Mr. Ponce who is on strict activity restriction (which he is totally loving) until he stops limping.

"Uhh....mom, howz about some red eye reduction next time so I don't look like a devil dog."
OK - point taken.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Peer Pressure

Here's a poll for you toe-up experts out there, since I have no pattern for this sock and I'm just winging it, if you start your pattern all the way around the sock after the heel, at what point do you start it? Do you start it right after the heel is worked (that's a short row heel if you can't see it well) or do you keep going plain for a few more rounds on the back until it gets closer to your ankle? It seems if I start the pattern all the way around now it will just look silly. Suggestions?
Really, I don't know what I have against sock patterns but I have yet to use one........
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Weekends are Great!

Friday, January 11, 2008
Birthday Contest!!!!

Thursday, January 10, 2008
Something Positive
Mr. Man and I (as many of you know) have this wonderful friendship and connection. We have been looking for ways to BUILD on that both spiritually and relationship wise. It seems that the majority of stuff out there for married couples is about how to not get divorced, or how to save a failing marriage, or how to live with your spouse even though you don't like them! There just does not seem to be that much out there for those of us that have a wonderful marriage and friendship and are looking to make it even deeper and stronger.
We finally ran across THIS site. This site offers really good articles that help you stay in the moment of your life, learn about you and work with each other to have the best relationship you can possibly have. So check out this site, subscribe to it if you like it and enjoy the positive messages and personal and relationship growth potentials that it offers.
Mr. Man and I began corresponding a bit with the couple who runs the site. As I was reading through the Change Your Tree site I was reminded of THIS post that I had published WAY back when I started this blog. I thought it was pretty insightful and true so I sent it on to Change Your Tree. Well, apparently they liked it also because they published it on the website today HERE!
So, if you like the site, please subscribe and pass it on to anyone who you think might be interested. Enjoy reading at least one positive message today!!!
A big THANK YOU to Kevin of Change Your Tree for reading and sharing my writing.
Contest later today - I promise!!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
It's about time!
Well, I HAD one of those projects and I finally finished the darn thing today! This pair of socks is B-O-R-I-N-G! I had some extra denim type stuff that I thought would make for good "around the house socks" for someone. So I started them - about 5 friggin months ago! They have been "done" for like a week but it took me even that long to just do the stupid kitchener and weave in the ends.
By the way, I am LOVING the toe up sock method. That's part of the reason I wasn't into finishing these socks. I had started them cuff down and then when I discovered toe ups I didn't even want to finish the cuff downs I had already started! Plus, I hated the yarn. The yarn was ok in general but just not really good to make socks out of. I forgot to knit the cuffs with a smaller size needle on the first one, so I had to do the same on the second one. They are kind of small, they aren't stretchy enough and they just aren't soft, yummy sock yarn.
Enough about what I HATED about this project, let's talk about what I LIKE. What I LIKE about this project is that it's DONE!!!!!
See? Boring. OK - move along..........nothing to see here.
On another note it's my birthday month!! I have been reminding Mr. Man of that almost daily since January 1. So, I want to run a contest and give away 2 skeins of Artyarn Ultramerino for my birthday!! Though, I think my first contest needs to be what should the contest be! Haha!! No, I think I have a good idea of what it is going to be. It's just going to be a fun thing. I'll post it tomorrow so come back to look for it!
I love keeping you all in suspense..............
Saturday, January 5, 2008
My feelin's can't describe it

Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year!!!
** Side bar **
Who saw Dick Clark last night? I swear the guy looks like he has been stuffed, pulled tight put on a stick to be operated by hand. I mean really, you can only say "Wow! That guy looks GREAT for his age for so long." then, it's time to hang it up. I sure would be interested in seeing his facelift bill. Don't get me wrong, I think the guy is amazing for all he has been through and done and overcome, but it's time to see someone else take over......even if it's Seabreast.
** End side bar **
Anyhoo, Wayne and I have had a great holiday!! Today has just been a hanging out, relaxing, drinks in the hot tub, collard greens and black eyed pea kinda day. We braved the cold and went out for a walk in the neighborhood and it felt great! Next two days......low of sixteen and on Thursday.....wind chill factor of ZERO. That's ZERO. Did you hear what I said? That's ZERO with a capital Z-E-R and O!! Ugh.....it seems like if it is going to be THAT cold then it should just go ahead and snow so we can stay inside forcibly. If you don't live in Atlanta then you need to know that even just a strong prospect of snow or ice pretty much shuts the city down so that no one (except nurses and media folk of course) have to go to work - hence my extreeme glee at being a nurse with an administrative job - yee haw. Which reminds me........I better get our "winter emergency supplies" up to snuff so we have everything ready for a possible ice storm and power outage. It ain't fun trying to gather up all of your emergency supplies out of the garage in the freezing cold dark! Sounds like a project for the next couple of days.
Hopefully the rest of the yarn I have ordered will be here over the next couple of days - yipppeee!!! I hope everyone has had a GREAT holiday!!!