Mr. Man is in the process of making me a decent blocking board so when that is up and running there will be more blocking fun. Right now I am just using towels and I'm just not happy with the results. Of course, poor Mr. Man is outside right now building a lazy kate for my spinning bobbins (I am actually going to practice plying my yarn barf later to free up some spindlage) so it will probably be a few days on the blocking board.
**Hot off the press** Here is the finished lazy kate!! I'm going to try it out tonight! Yay Mr. Man!! Have I told you how much I LOVE YOU lately?!?! :)

PLUS - he has done these:

Some of the new yarn bowls have faces, some have handles, some have designs and some are plain. This is about a kiln load so we will probably be able to start a bisque tomorrow (you have to let them dry out before putting them in the kiln or else they will explode - ask us how we know this.
good Lord Almighty! How long does it take him to throw a bowl? It looks like bunnies have mated with the bowls and they are multiplying like mad. Don't you wish you could turn out knitting projects that fast?
I'll be glad to show ya how throw a whatchacallit on the thingymajig! It's really a lot of fun but I am sure if you are like me you have so much time for more projects and hobbies right!?
How do you know this? ;-) Yay! Bowls! You are one lucky girl!
Yeah.....we had a recent explosion experience. It wasn't pretty.
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