Monday, November 30, 2009
Monday already?
We had a great Thanksgiving holiday and I hope you all did too!!! We had fun at my dad's. We didn't play cards so that was good - Wayne and I got to hold onto our $6 until the next meetup. We had another Thanksgiving dinner again yesterday with our neighbor. Our poor neighbor had family staying at her house for the weekend and she was about to go over the edge having to deal with them. I won't go into all the details but let's suffice it to say that by the time they left yesterday morning she was thoroughly fed up! So, we made dinner and poured her several glasses of wine so she appears to be making a recovery from them this morning!
Later last night I spent some time ripping out about 10 inches on one of the Girl Friday sleeves. Yeah, fun right? It wasn't until I finished and had bound off that I realized............hmmmmm - I did the DECREASES for the sleeve cap but I don't think I did the INCREASES for the upper arm! Sure enough my sleeve did not appear to look like the schematic in the pattern. So.........RIBBIT! Oh WHY did I not take pictures for you?!?! I spent some time working on the sleeve correctly last night and will hopefully have the first sleeve finished tonight.
OK - I have a major announcement on the 2010 clubs coming up this week so stay tuned for that. Also, I'll be announcing our December charity plans tomorrow.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Happy Holidays to Me!

Want a hint?

It's a fancy bronzy color!

I figured it was about time for an upgrade. Wayne found a great deal on this for me at TigerDirect. The computer came with Windows Vista so I opted for an upgrade to Windows 7 because of all the negative things I have heard about Vista. I also bought the new versions of the Microsoft Office software.
Now, of course when you get new programs and a new computer there is always a learning curve, right? Well, how is this for annoying - there is no "save as" feature in Word or Excel!!! I don't know about you but I use this feature A LOT. So now, if I want to create a similar document I will have to copy all, paste it to a new document and then save it. This is going to be a challenge to remember so that I don't rewrite the original document. I use this a lot - especially when I am printing up yarn labels. If anyone has any secret trick about there being a "save as" feature somewhere - please share!!!
Other than that it's just a matter of getting used to where everything is I think. The menu looks pretty different so again, learning curve. I still have Windows XP and the previous Office versions on my desktop so I'll have to keep going back and forth between them. But, no biggie there. I'm just a little annoyed about the "save as" thing. I mean, why would they get rid of a feature like that????? Obviously, they don't print many yarn labels.
Check out this teeny tiny remote control that came with it.

I mean, this thing is SMALL. It must weigh about 1/4oz or something.

Wanna place some bets on how long it will be before I can't find this anymore?
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
I hope everyone has safe travels and a great day with friends and family. We are in Alpharetta for the day visiting my dad and hopefully not losing more money in cards!!! I'll have some farm animal pictures for you next week as well as a progress report on the home addition!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
WIP Wednesday

This project is moving along fairly quickly (for me anyway). I would have had the right side finished last night but we were watching Angels and Demons and I didn't want to leave the movie long enough to go get another ball of yarn! Yes, I know I could have paused it but that would have ruined the momentum, ya know? It was a pretty good movie! It actually followed the book really well. Of course, you don't get the level of detail in the movie that you get in the book but it was definitely an action packed thriller!
Today Wayne will be baking more apple pies to take to my dad's house tomorrow. We are expecting a pretty laid back day. We'll be going over there early and visiting and then probably heading back fairly early as well since we'll be leaving Petey here.
Speaking of Petey - here's a few shots of the Petemeister:
Lounging on the dock

Swimming after his toy in our pond

Lounging on the patio with his BFF Slim

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Early Thanksgiving
We headed out to my cousin's house in Rome, GA for an early Thanksgiving celebration with the family. However, we are terrible bloggers because I don't think a single one of us took any pictures! We had a great time though. As predicted, Wayne and I again lost all of our money to the family peeps in cards. Good thing we only pay $3 to get in a game! So, we lost a total of $6 - not too bad but ya know - we never win! I think it's fixed.
Amazingly, I didn't even eat too much! Which really wasn't too difficult since there was a lot of meat involved. Wayne made his famous homemade apple pie! We figured that if we made two and generously brought both we would end up going home with at least one. Not so. Our other pie was confiscated by my cousin - she didn't even ask either - just told us - "Oh, I'll be keeping that pie!". It's probably best. We don't need to be eating all of that pie anyway!
As always we had a great time playing cards with a lot of laughing, goofing off and making fun of each other - it isn't really too hard with our crowd. We had a healthy mix of Democrats and Republicans so that always makes for a lively debate. Seriously - I don't understand how some of these people even stay married! :) It was a good time - even though the Redskins lost - AGAIN. Sheesh. I have actually seen that some people have Redskins related projects on Ravelry that are in hibernation until the Redskins start playing like a real team! Guess they will be hibernating until next season.
My son and his girlfriend got to go with us so it was nice to visit with them for a while. My elusive brother actually showed up as well with his new girlfriend. My cousin said to me "Well, do you know if Bob is bringing Paige?" I was like - ummmm........who's Paige? That made her feel better because she had only found out the day before about my brother's girlfriend Paige who he has been dating for 8 months apparently. She felt out of the loop but when she realized that I was even MORE out of the loop she felt much better. He does not really tell us much as you can see!
For the "real" Thanksgiving we are headed to my dad's house so that will be fun too. Until then I'll be finishing my wholesale yarn order for Only Ewe and Cotton Too and working on the new club project which we will hopefully be able to launch next week!!! What's everyone else up to this week???
Monday, November 23, 2009
Knit Witch 2010 Club News
We have made some changes to our clubs for 2010. Namely, we have made a definitive sign up period instead of having rolling sign up (namely to save my own sanity - I’ll be completely honest with you!). The sign ups for all of the clubs are now up and sign up for 2010 will be open until December 15th. There will also be a limit on the number of people that I accept into the club this time so if you are REALLY interested be sure you sign up before December 15th. There will be more luxury fibers in next year's sock club!
If you need to know when your current club membership expires just email me at and I'll be glad to let you know.
Also - we have another club surprise coming up soon so I’ll let you know about it as soon as I have the details. We are working furiously on this project. So, don’t rush into purchasing the club just yet because you are going to have one more option soon!!!
IF YOU ARE ALREADY SIGNED UP FOR A CLUB - you are already in - assuming that your club membership extends into 2010, so not to worry. We will make special arrangements with you if your membership runs out in 2010 and you would like to continue.
Shipping changes
Knit Witch is now offering a flat $3 shipping price on ALL PRODUCTS!! Knit Witch yarn bowls and yarn make great gifts for your friends.......just sayin'...............
Friday, November 20, 2009
Shawl Pin

Isn't it beautiful!!! I love it! I got it to go with the Girl Friday sweater since I have opted to not put buttons on it. I thought a shawl pin would be so much more chic don't you think??? Well, whatever. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! :)
If I'm not mistaken, this is made out of oak. I got it from Wooden Treasures where it is, of course, hand crafted. One of the things that I love about this shawl pin is that the pin itself is not straight so it won't pull out of the fabric easily. Also, I love how lightweight it is. The price was reasonable and the shipping was fast. Last time I looked he had a few more left. They are all unique designs and colors so I love that too!!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!! We have a date on Friday night to go do some sooper seekrit family restaurant snooping (more about that when I have details and can spill some beans) and then we have an early Thanksgiving celebration in Rome with my family on Sunday. We are really looking forward to that - always a good time. As you may remember from last year we usually lose all our money playing cards. Hopefully my aunt will at least keep the salt and sesame oil out of the whipped cream this year and stick to the sugar and vanilla. Sheeesh! Wayne will be making another one of his famous apple pies with fresh N. GA apples - YUM!!!!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Just a bunch of random stuff

Fancy, eh?
We made some applesauce with some yummy fresh N. GA apples!!

Did you know that a candle will melt if it is left on your porch and the sun is in the right place in the sky to shine directly into your porch onto said candle?

Has anyone seen my desk? I can't seem to find it.

Note to self: Get to work on the wholesale order for Only Ewe and Cotton Too! so that I can get all of this BFL off of my desk!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
WIP Wednesday

Also, have I shown you this?

We made a path to our pond with some of the left over flagstone from the patio. It still needs a little work but it's a start. Right when you get close to the dock it gets a little too steep for these and since we don't really want anyone walking down to our pond and landing on their butt from steep, slippery rocks (namely us) we need another solution for the end of the path. We'll probably end up making a few steps down there.
We are working hard on getting all the yarn back in stock that sold out at SAFF. I have also been working on a couple of wholesale orders so the restocking has been a little slow going. Plus, I have a couple of new projects that I have been working on that I will hopefully be able to tell you about in a couple of weeks. We did manage to get some new bowls up on the site and we are still working through the custom orders.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Tabby Tuesday
Someone last week mentioned that I needed to post pictures of the kitty who was trying to get his nose pinched by the crayfish last week. And, I got to thinking that I haven't had the cats on the blog for a while - and what's a good knitting blog without kitties, right? The knitting isn't necessarily imperitive but the kitties are. Plus, I know I have gained a bunch of new subcribers lately so I'm sure that you all want to see the kitties too, right??

Monday, November 16, 2009
Monday, Monday.............

Sunday, we went for a walk because thankfully Mr. Man is finally feeling better after that nasty flu - yay!! Then we spent the rest of the day just doing stuff around the house. I did some much needed cleaning and organizing (ugh, clutter starts to get on my nerves after a week or so!) and Wayne did this!!

We have been really needing a new fire ring to get all of that old deck wood burned so now we have one! These bricks used to be the lining around our awful pea gravel patio before we made it into a flagstone patio. Now they have a new home!
Wayne also did this:

This is our second story porch. I hope the birds will want to use the new feeders here. You may recall several postings ago that the bear destroyed our previous feeders. Hopefully he won't be able to get to them here!!
Friday, November 13, 2009
We have a new pet!
When Wayne went down there he found Slim playing with just what I had suspected, even though it was one of those moments where you see something and you think "I CAN'T be seeing what I think I am seeing!" But, I was. Check this guy out!!

Crayfish are what is known as an "indicator species". So, if you have crayfish living in your water, you know that is a sign of some really clean water! Of course, he wasn't IN the water when we found him but we are assuming that is where he came from. We have seen them in our pond before. We didn't put him in the big pond though because they are notorious for digging holes in the mud in the side of a pond and causing leaks. We put him in our small pond where he seems to be staying pretty happy. See??

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Rivers Alive
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Do you live in Charlotte?

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Correction on Esoterica yarn!
70/20/10 Merino/Silk/Cashmere
What it should ACTUALLY read is:
70/20/10 Baby Alpaca/Silk/Cashmere
I am so sorry for the confusion!!
Sunday, November 8, 2009

A visit to Georgia Tech

Friday, November 6, 2009
Atlanta Knitting Guild

I gotta tell you, we had a GREAT time last night at the Atlanta Knitting Guild! There were probably 100 people there and they are SO INVOLVED in so many projects in the community it was really inspirational to see! You can read more about their charity giving HERE. Everyone was so nice and seemed genuinely happy that we had come to speak. I always enjoy telling our "Knit Witch" story!
We did a lot of stuff while we were in Atlanta yesterday. Each time we go down there it seems that our day is just packed with all kinds of stuff! I'll tell you about more of it next week.
Have a great weekend! Tomorrow we are going to the Toccoa River Cleanup here in town - I hope we don't freeze!