Sunday, we went for a walk because thankfully Mr. Man is finally feeling better after that nasty flu - yay!! Then we spent the rest of the day just doing stuff around the house. I did some much needed cleaning and organizing (ugh, clutter starts to get on my nerves after a week or so!) and Wayne did this!!

We have been really needing a new fire ring to get all of that old deck wood burned so now we have one! These bricks used to be the lining around our awful pea gravel patio before we made it into a flagstone patio. Now they have a new home!
Wayne also did this:

This is our second story porch. I hope the birds will want to use the new feeders here. You may recall several postings ago that the bear destroyed our previous feeders. Hopefully he won't be able to get to them here!!
You just gave me a good idea how to use all those bricks we have left from tearing our hearth off the fireplace. Hope you don't wake up to a bear on the second floor of your house.
It's good to see the Mr. is feeling better. Your new fireplace looks great, and what a wonderful way to recycle.
So you didn't want to post the picture of your husband standing in front of the fire? :)
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