Friday, November 28, 2008
Blogless Friday
Actually, that isn't entirely true. I have pictures from our fun Thanksgiving yesterday to post for you and even a couple of entertaining stories. However, I'm totally taking the day off - from blogging that is. So, what you are reading isn't really a blog post. OK - now I'm just talking in circles.............
Monday will begin the adventure of you hearing about the Thanksgiving weekend and the entertaining stories. Tonight - we are going out to celebrate my son's birthday (which is on Monday). He will be 19. NINETEEN!!! Dudes............I'm getting old. One more teenage year to go. Wish me luck.
Hope everyone had a great day yesterday - see you on Monday!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
We are spending today with some of our family and we are so looking forward to it! I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday. Mr. Man and I take a few minutes every single day to say a little "thank you" to the universe for our wonderful home, life, pets, family, friends and love that we have been given. Today is no exception. We really want to find ways to share that with more people in the upcoming year. We have so much to be thankful for today and I know you do too. Take the time to pay it forward.......................
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
WIP and PIP Wednesday


Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Of Bowls and Cats

Of course, those boxes lead to fun in more boxes.
Monday, November 24, 2008
I know, I know - you live in Canada or you read the Yarn Harlot's blog so 8 degrees (Farenheit I might add) is nothing. Well, I live in the south for a reason - it's warmer here! We don't have to ever shovel snow. When is does snow, the whole state shuts down and we all stay home (unless of course you are a nurse). I have never owned a snow shovel, snow shoes, a sled or any other such wintery device and I certainly don't intend to start now!
There was ice on our pond Saturday AM. Here are some pictures for ya.
And this is the grass on the dam.
Friday, November 21, 2008
My Corner of the World


Have a great weekend everyone!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wild (and Domestic) Life

I think Slim needs to lose a pound or two - what do you think?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
WIP Wednesday
This is going to be a moebius scarf and this is knitting for a friend who is gifting it to someone else (which always stresses me out just a wee bit). The fiber is 100% alpaca and from her own alpacas. I went online and spent about 2 hours perfecting how to do a moebius cast on. Then I actually READ the pattern and realized it isn't knit with a moebius cast on at all!!!! You just knit the length of it and then kitchener the ends together. But, at least I learned how to do a moebius cast-on right? Nutty as she is, Cat Bordhi has a pretty darn good video on how to do it on Youtube. She is always immensely entertaining - I love it! Note to future self: read pattern before doing foolish things like learning.

You can find the Rav link for the pattern HERE.
It was kind of funny when I started this project because I typed in "moebius cast on" into the Youtube search and like 5 of my own videos came up. I was like noooooooooo - if I had made a video on moebius cast on then I wouldn't be here looking at how to do it now would I?!?! Silly Youtube................
BTW - our website climbed to over 50,000 hits yesterday!!! Pretty exciting for our fun little business. Thanks everyone! :)
Monday, November 17, 2008

Need Stamps?
So go check them out and I hope you enjoy browsing them. We think they are fun!
Friday, November 14, 2008
My Corner of the World
And here is a beautiful tree we took a picture of last week in downtown Blue Ridge right in front of the train.
Have a great weekend everyone! I have fun stuff for you on Monday!!!!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Pond Enjoyment
