Mr. Man made this earlier this morning.

This is the PIP (pie in progress). We donated this one to our friends that own North Georgia Diamond. They are holding a bake sale today with all proceeds benefiting cancer research. The picture looks kinda weird because Bill took the picture in his fancy jewlery photography box. Mr. Man is upstairs making another one right now for us to take to Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow - yum!!
I have some swatches to make of the newest colors. This is good car knitting for the ride to Rome tomorrow.


And I caught Goose out on the drainpipe of the pond yesterday. Can you believe this silly kitten?!?! I was just waiting for him to slip off the pipe and go for a swim. He, apparently, wasn't worried about that at all. He loves watching those fish!

Goose is really independent, isn't he...
Okay - the swatches you are making - I need to know what is yarn name for the top ball on the left - turquoise and pink (maybe)
That one is Sagittarius - I love that one!!! It's on the site under sock yarn.
That is one brave kitty!
Also, what is the colorway that you've already started swatching in that picture? PRETTY!!
cute goose! have a merry one!!
LOL, silly Goose! I have made one moebius scarf, but it is crocheted. I would make it long enough to fit around my shoulders, or drape around my shoulders.
The new colors look lovely. :D
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