This is going to be a moebius scarf and this is knitting for a friend who is gifting it to someone else (which always stresses me out just a wee bit). The fiber is 100% alpaca and from her own alpacas. I went online and spent about 2 hours perfecting how to do a moebius cast on. Then I actually READ the pattern and realized it isn't knit with a moebius cast on at all!!!! You just knit the length of it and then kitchener the ends together. But, at least I learned how to do a moebius cast-on right? Nutty as she is, Cat Bordhi has a pretty darn good video on how to do it on Youtube. She is always immensely entertaining - I love it! Note to future self: read pattern before doing foolish things like learning.

You can find the Rav link for the pattern HERE.
It was kind of funny when I started this project because I typed in "moebius cast on" into the Youtube search and like 5 of my own videos came up. I was like noooooooooo - if I had made a video on moebius cast on then I wouldn't be here looking at how to do it now would I?!?! Silly Youtube................
BTW - our website climbed to over 50,000 hits yesterday!!! Pretty exciting for our fun little business. Thanks everyone! :)
Very very nice! Thanks for the linky, I happen to have some of the DES yarn just lying around......
Cold yet?
YES cold! 17 degrees this morning....brrrrrrrr!
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