In other news - the February Lady Sweater is off the needles!!! Well, for a short time anyway. I finished the body of the sweater last night and now I am moving on to the sleeves. I wanted to do the sleeves with DPNs but I didn't have any in the correct size (can you imagine?!?!?!) so I ordered some from Knit Picks. As soon as they get here I'll be picking up stitches and moving along.

The yarn is Knit Witch DK weight in colorway Aphrodite (two different lot numbers obviously). I'll probably overdye it once it is finished just to even out the coloration a little.
WARNING!! Snake picture ahead!!
Wayne found this super cute little guy living under some cardboard. I love him! He is adorable.

Wayne has been working on a super big project lately that I can show you some pictures of next week I hope. Here's a "teaser". I'll let you take some guesses at what he is doing.
Note to my mom and dad - no fair spoiling the surprise in the comments!!!

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!
An outside shedquarters for knit witch? For pottery?
Just went and voted - thanks for the reminder! I love that sweater - you have a lot of patience to knit something so intricate! And the snake is cute - so little! We often find snakes here, which (luckily) doesn't bother us at all. Can't wait to see what the big project is!! :) Silke
Obviously it's an old shed, but I kinda want to see it become a covered bridge. I know that's kinda randon, but it's what popped into my head. :-)
Turtlegirl's answer is much more likely!
A snake rescue facility?
Loving your February Lady. I might just have to break down and knit one. It looks too fun!
That is the cutest snake ever!
And I'm going to guess greenhouse. Am I right?
That is a greenhouse. Go Mr. Man! (Can he come live with us for a while? We need him! He rocks!)
And, duh. Dude? That is a seriously gorgeous Feb Ladeeeee sweater!
I am so proud of you for making progress on your February Lady. Now I have to get on the ball and get mine going. If only my coworkers would quit getting pregnant. Its making me have to stop and knit baby sweaters. The snake is not cute. I don't care what you say.
Hmmm, the project. Some kind of S&M room complete with chains, leather, one of those swing things.....
The febuary lady is lovely love the color.We are cleaning out our garage getting rid of things so we can park the car inside.Hugs Darcy
lol, i'd say an awesome man room in the making but, he doesn't need another room! So.... green house or chicken condo!!
I like Yarn Whisperer's idea! Can I change my mind? Can I, can I huh????
I think it's a greenhouse or a potting shed. Or a very skinny barn.
Beautiful everything wonderful in your blog, i love knittng, Brazilian and cheers of Brazil.
My Name is Berenice.
Loving your FLS! Will you overdye in the same color? Yeah, it looks like a greenhouse but it could be something else...hmmm
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