Here is what Wayne has been doing to it:

He has no room to put all of his stuff and no room to work in. So, that means, every time he is working on a project he has to take all his electrical tools and cram them back into the shed in order to avoid them getting wet. He does not have a covered area to work on his many projects. Not really a big deal for the occasional do-it-yourselfer but this guy is ALWAYS building something. Plus, he needs a space to spray the glaze onto the yarn bowls that is covered as well. Plus, now that he is getting a bigger workspace he apparently things he now needs a wood lathe. Good grief - drop spindles anyone??
Here is how the old shed looks this morning! BTW - that is our new truck that we bought a couple of months ago - woo hoo! YAY for a truck!

See that kind of gravel square there in the back with no grass on it? That is where the old shed sat. See these two grey bricks here at the front of the picture? One is sitting next to the wood and the other is just near the truck. Those are two of the footprint markers for the NEW shed! It will extend back to the same back line as the old shed. Can you say major improvement? We will also have a covered deck off the side that will extend to cover the area where the truck is parked.
The new shed is 16x24 with an additional 10 ft covered deck and will be 2 stories. I am so excited about this!!! In the meantime, we had to move everything out of the old shed and put it next door in our neighbor's barn until the new shed is done. Wayne wanted to build it himself but I put my foot down and said uhhhhh - no friggin' way Mr.!!!!! He has enough to do and a project like that by himself is just too much of an undertaking (even though I feel sure that in the comments of this blog he will try to appeal to you that this is not the case - don't buy into that baloney).
So, we bought one and they will be here today hopefully to begin construction. These guys have it down to a science and it should be done in about 3 days or so! WOO HOO!!! I will, of course, share the pictures with you.
Now, back to the old shed. Naturally, we did not just want to throw away all of that perfectly good wood. The old shed has been moved to the back of our property in pieces and will become slightly modified. It's new purpose will be a chicken coop!!!! That's right! We're getting chickens!! I am so excited about this! We will probably get about 6 or so just for egg laying purposes. That project, I gave Wayne my approval for him to build himself! Oh boy, he is gonna be so ticked off at me reading this post! haha!! Bring it on Mr.! :)
The new shed sounds fantastic! YAH chickens! We're getting some soon for eggs too.
Wow! Just keep telling him his new diggs to work in will be ready very soon! :) Besides, keep him busy getting the chicken diggs ready ;)
Wow! A 2 story shed? That's so awesome! Go Wayne!
I am LAUGHING! I knew you would tell the blog world about me and my " I can do it myself" attitude. I could do none of this without YOU Knit Witch Newberry! Thank you for at least allowing me to build the chicken castle. I think it will need a mote since it is down by the creek. Hmmmmm. Am I hearing that you are letting me get the lathe? Yeeee HAW! Wooden yarn bowls, ceramic yarn bowls with wooden tops, drop spindles....
Warlock - don't worry, my husband has the same attitude, but I just remind him how much more valuable his time is than what it would cost to hire someone. Plus, you will get to play in your new clubhouse so much sooner!
The new workshop is going to be awesome for Wayne! Two story - that's pretty nice. I'm sure you are starting to wonder whether he will ever come out!
Oh how I wish I had a shed/studio....good for you for expanding!!! It will make life so much easier. Also I am with you as far as letting someone else build the new shed.
lol, so it was a chicken coop/but still with new digs for mr man! Lucky girl. I have been leaving chicken info all about the house! Hubby says i can get them but then can't travel with him anymore as i'd have to take care of them...Hello, that's what teen's with college classes who have to stay home are for theN! Enjoy your new goods!
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