A VERY cool friend of mine recommended this awesome new product to me called a Roku box. Have you heard of this? It's a little box that you hook to your tv and can stream hulu, netflix, and a variety of other streaming channels through. She told me it was SO easy to set up and worked great and just works with your wireless internet.
I was like "RIGHT". Nothing works that easy when it comes to setting up technology crap (well, especially for me). I always know to expect some level of frustration, alcohol consumption and foul language. I didn't believe her, not one bit.
We came home and looked up the info and purchased one from Amazon for around $80 or so. It came and we started the daunting task of hooking it up. We LITERALLY had this thing up and running with no problems what-so-ever in 10 minutes. I couldn't believe it! I had my iPad out and signed up for all of our accounts on the iPad and it was instantly registered on the Roku box. I was totally impressed. I had to text message my very special friend right away.
The only thing that would have kind of ticked me off is that it didn't come with an HDMI cable to hook up to your tv. Luckily, we already had one of these so we were all set. But, that is something you would want to know if you get one.
Since we have hooked it up we haven't watched cable AT ALL. We are calling to disconnect our cable tv and home phone service. Seriously, I am sick to death of paying for telemarketers to call our house. Helloooooooooooooooooooooo extra 75 bucks a month!

Awesome! We cut our cable and phones about 6 months ago. We hardly get any calls now since the telemarketers can't get through. That doesn't keep the Electric companies from coming to the door. Yesterday when one came to the door and stated "I've come to see if your house qualifies for our instant low rate." I answered "But we were loving our high rates! We were winning!!! Thanks anyway!" and I shut the door.
We cancelled our cable a year ago and haven't looked back.
We used to watch things via our vbox 360, but back in September we got a Boxee box, it's similar to the Roku, and I love it...
Remember when television used to be free?
Wow, thanks for telling me about this Roku thingie. I'll have to look into it. I laughed out loud when you said you expected "some level of frustration, alcohol consumption and foul language" Ha! That sounds like me alright!
Wooooo!!! So glad you like it :)
Wow. Very cool. New follower. Love the blog.
Dana @ onthebroomstick.blogspot.com
our new blueray has this built in, and it is soo handy as we do not have cable... i love it!
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