Mr. Man showing some leg!

I think the woman who made this did a great job on it! Now he just has to figure out the shoes. I told him that he has to wear his Knit Witch shirt in the booth so there isn't any leeway for him there. You know - gotta do what the boss says, right? Really, I think he should just wear his Tevas. That's all he wears anyway and he has to work in the booth all day all weekend so he might as well be comfortable, right?
Now, if any of you make any more comments about how I should knit him some kilt hose then things are going to start flying here on the blog. Maybe we should start some and everyone who comes into our booth can knit a few rounds!!!
Woo Hoo!! Nice legs, Wayne!!!
I like the idea of knitting on the kilt hose. Now he knows what I go through every morning... what shoes do I wear with this outfit?
Rawr! ;)
Great. I'm going to end up knitting them aren't I?
woooo, go Wayne! Hot legs! Shake that moneymaker ;)
That is awesome! Great legs, too :)
Big wolf whistle!! Lookin' good. And yes, you need some handknit kilt socks. I have a book of patterns.
I see bowls and yarns flying off the shelves, if you've got it flaunt it, he looks great in a kilt!!!
That second pic made me start singing "Scotland the Brave". I'll work on learning it on the violin so I can serenade Wayne at SAFF this year. If he wears his kilt.
Sorry, chica. I think you're obligated to make kilt hose. (Ducking & running) Or how about a round-robin knit? Everyone knits a couple of inches then sends it on to the next person.
Thanks for the picture since I can't make it to Stitches! Hehe...you are a lucky woman ;)
Knit kilt hose, BY Stitches South???? No flying, is that even possible? It would rock the kilt though... I think it would be fun to have a WIP for your booth!!
I think Tevas would be fine! Work boots and kilt are the norm here, but boots wouldn't work in the South I don't think?
Mr Man looks fabulous... or whatever the kilty equivalent comment would be!
Woo! Wayne! Shake what your momma gave ya! :D
I would knit a few rounds of kilt hose for you guys.
I agree, start knitting, then go out and find some bagpipes and the picture is complete!
He's braver than I am, I never show the legs anymore.
love it!!
Kudos to any man wearing a kilt! He looks very nice.
yum, yum ;)
if you would like kilt hose, but not to knit them yourself I would love to do tradesies.
I'll knit them (with your yarn of course) and you can pay me in yarn/pottery!! I'm totally serious!
I like a man in a kilt. That's how mine was dressed when I met him. Hmmmmmmmm, happy memories.
I believe his title is "The barefoot Kilt Man" and if I know anything about him I already know the answer the question "What does a Scottsman wear under his kilt?"
Yep, kilt hose it is, darlin'! I'll knit on them while we hang out together at stitches South:)
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