OK - now a question for all of you techo peoples out there. I love this blog for the information it provides me you understand. If you are soley here for yarn and knitting information please feel free to tune out and I'll see you again tomorrow! I'll throw this picture of a beautiful shawl in here for you. This is the wholesale order that I am currently working on. Only Ewe and Cotton Too is putting kits for this shawl together for Stitches South. We have 6 different color combinations and I can't wait to see more of them knit up!

Now, when you put your references in they are supposed to be single spaced (not according to APA but according to the University) and the second line of the reference is supposed to be indented. For me, it is abso-freakin-lutely impossible for me to get the second line to indent without the first line also indenting if the lines are single spaced. Why???? Who the heck knows - it's simply to taunt me I feel certain.
I have to hit return after the first line and then indent the second line (which makes the reference then double spaced). Then, if I try to go back and highlight the entire thing and change the spacing it simply won't change.
Anyone else out there battled this issue??? If so - any hints for combatting this would be greatly appreciated!!
I hope this helps!
It's called a 'hanging indent'. Try googling it :D
Thanks! I learned something new and useful. The last answer at the Yahoo link Miss Dallas provided totally works! Yay!
With six weeks left of my MBA, I'm incensed I didn't know the trick with the references many years ago!! :)
Hmmmm, I've never had this problem. I'm a TA in the Writing Center at Argosy U. Thanks Ms. Dallas, I'm going to keep your info in my notebook for the Center.
Happy Valentine's Day to all. No Valentine? No problem. Make it a "Love Yourself and Be Nice to Yourself Day."
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