Then we went to Needle Nook and dropped off a prize for their Ovarian Cancer Fund Raiser that I can never seem to attend because it coincides too closely with Stitches South craziness. If you are in the area though, please check this out - what a great fundraiser they do every year! I know for a fact that one of the prizes will be a Knit Witch yarn bowl and another prize will be a skein of Knit Witch yarn!
Then we ended up going grocery shopping (and wine shopping) for my mom so that she could make her famous eggplant parmigiana - YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We had a few family members, including my son, so that was really fun and delicious.
I got practically NO sleep that night because we were sharing our bedroom with Petey who does not seem to understand the value of silence as a part of nighttime activities. One time during the night he got up and stuck his cold nose on Wayne's face so Wayne was telling him to get back to his bed! Plus, I had a couple of glasses of wine (which never helps me sleep) and I was stressed out about a few things so all of that equals - no sleep.
Regardless, the next morning it was off to Emory for teaching the simulation. OMG - what fun!!! The students were hilarious. Some of them did a REALLY great job with their assessment and treatment of the patient and some of them left a little to be desired. It was great though because their instructor (speaking as the patient) was trying so hard to get them to do certain things like give the drugs in a certain order, etc. If you are a nurse you will appreciate this - the patient was there for a COPD exacerbation and not one student (out of like 60) asked him if he was a smoker!!!
Anyway, after that - we were off to the Brickstore (Jane - we will definitely call you next time - that would be FUN) and we met Ian (Wayne's son) and one of his friends for lunch. I had the veggie burger just like I always do because they have the best. veggie. burger. ever.
Then, on the way home we stopped off at my dad's for a short visit to check in on the house progress. WOW! It is getting really close to done. Did we take any pictures? Of course not.
I finished Ian's Musica gloves - did I take any pictures of him wearing them? Of course not. I did manage to get a couple of them before I gave them away though. We'll talk about the fair isle issue tomorrow!
I love those musical gloves! And, just to get the ball rolling, are we having giveaways at the Stitches South dinner this year? If so, I'll get busy sewing something special.
sounds like a great weekend!
These would be So Great for a carpal-tunnel afflicted guitar player like my husband! Okay, okay, I'll sign up for my first knitting lesson!
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