My husband, Mr. Knit Witch, has informed me that he will be going to Stitches South wearing a kilt. Ummm. OK. First of all - he does not own a kilt and he certainly knows better than to expect me to make one for him (anyone ever seen a pattern for a knitted kilt?). So, that would be the first obstacle and my first reason for laughing.
Secondly, and I think this point is obvious, WHY? Honestly. We aren't Scottish, we aren't Irish, we have never been to those places, he does not know how to play any bagpipes or any Irishy type instruments so again...........why?
I'm not sure I have received an answer to this. I'm not sure if the goal is to wear a kilt or to wear nothing under the kilt. Is it an attention-getter? Is is a conversation piece? Is it so he will "make it big" on Ravelry with a gazillion pictures of some random knitter and himself in a kilt? Is this to be Knit Witch's new logo?
So, he brings it up again this morning. He has brought this up several times so he must be somewhat serious. Again, I ask him why and he tells me, get this, that he thinks it is cool. Oh, and he wants to do it to be different and comfortable. So, there ya have it folks. At Stitches South there is a possibility that my husband will be super cool, be different AND be comfortable all at the same time.
Now, who's going to get in line to get that picture taken with him to be plastered all over Ravelry?
Shall I start a poll on this? Like - who here thinks Mr. Knit Witch should show up at Stitches South working our booth in a kilt? KateyJ - no need for you to comment - I already KNOW where you would stand on this issue!! :)
He sent me these pictures as if to prove to me that men in kilts are both super cool as well as humorous. Don't scroll down with your boss standing over your shoulder. I gotta admit - the first guy does look pretty cool, don't ya think?

Utilikilts are hawt. Willy warmer optional, underpants mandatory.
Yes, he should wear a kilt. UtiliKilts are awesome and comfortable; I have two myself!
And if he chooses to get a UtiliKilt, they have an optional "modesty" snap that will essentially make them a divided kilt/pants hybrid thing.
If you have a husband who is daring enough to be his own man and not worry about following the majority I say encourage him to do whatever he wants;)Hugs Darcy
hmmm kilt??? cant wait to see this..
Yes to the kilt. Yes yes yes!
Kilts the new buttonfly jeans!!
I don't think the question should be so much as whether or not he wears a kilt (because we know he's gonna), but how will he accessorize the kilt?
There is nothing hotter than a guy in a kilt! I would be happy to have my picture taken with him!!
Yes! Guys in kilts are both cool and hot.
You see a lot of guys in Utilikilts at Dragon*Con. What's even funnier is the women that go around doing "kilt checks" to see if they're being worn "properly". LOL Granted, this is the same place that I've seen strategically placed duct-tape as a costume, so it can't be used as the "norm". ;-)
Why not let him wear a kilt if he really wants to?
You will be surprised how good he looks wearing one.
If he needs any advice on kilts and their accessories please ask him to visit my site at
And I would be delighted to answer any questions he, or indeed you may have on the subject of kilts.
Kindest regards,
I think it is plainly clear that most all of my readers are in favor of the Mr. Knit Witch kilt wearing. I love it!!! I agree - I think he should do it! OK - we'll see what happens at Stitches South - I'm not telling either - you will all have to come to the booth to find out!! :)
I do wonder though - has your husband been perusing gay kilt sites? XD
Just kidding. I say go for it - especially if it's comfy.
Hey man! Blow your skirt up! Go for the kilt!
Utilikilts for sure! That is where i got hubby a gift cert to for xmas, i wasn't going to pick it out for him. He has been wanting one for himself, he plans to wear it on stage when we play out. They rock, and have the best commercials!
Hurray for kilts! We had a kilted wedding. Wayne will look superb in a kilt - women won't be able to resist visiting your booth just to see him. Make sure it's not too long -- mid-knee looks quite dashing. My husband recommends either black briefs or Winnie-the-Pooh boxers. And Wayne should start practicing his "swagger."
If he wears a kilt, I'm bringing a leaf blower.
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