Of course I have lots of good snow pictures for you and a couple of cute videos too. Goose has had such a fun time skating around on our pond which has seriously become an ice skating rink. Wayne even went out there and walked on it the other day (while he was holding on tightly to the dock!) even though The Weather Channel was begging people repeatedly not to do this!
Our creek.

Our neighbor took this one of our house from her house. This was after the snow had already started melting.

We did manage to get out on Friday night to go to dinner with Molly (who owns Yarnside Gathering in Pensecola) and her husband. We had a blast even though we ended up ordering WAY too much sushi!! Molly's husband is in the military so the men folk has plenty of fun stuff to discuss. Thank goodness both of our trucks have 4 wheel drive though - it was kinda nasty out there!
Here's Goose with his gold medal ice skating routine. I have tried to keep him off the ice but he is just too excited about it.
Goose is too funny on the ice. What is it with cats that are from the south loving snow. Killian is crazy about snow!!!
too much suahi? never! Ah, pretty snow. Not here .... yet!! Just more fog, grey and flooding (literally) rains... Pout!*
That video is hilarious! So cute. Is he going to try out for the Catlympics?
I didn't even realize that last one was video when I was here earlier! Hilarious! That's going to be one unhappy kitteh if the ice breaks!
Bill and I enjoyed the evening immensely! The sushi was good, but the company was great! Thanks for a fun evening and we look forward to seeing you again soon.
Oh my Lord, that's hilarious! Never seen a kitty ice skating before. :-)
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