Patricia Cornwell is one of my favorite authors but this particular book didn't have her main character (Kay Scarpetta) in it. To me, it just didn't have the interest, character development and medical information and mystery in it that her other books have. I am now working on another book by her, Black Notice, that is back to the world of Kay Scarpetta and thus far it is much better. I have also downloaded a book by DA Henderson and Richard Preston about the Smallpox eradication program. I'm a big geek when it comes to infectious disease bugs so I always enjoy reading books about infectious agents.
It takes A LOT to get me to stay on the couch all day - I can't stand it! Thank goodness I have had books to read to at least make it a little more bearable. But still, it is really difficult for me to stay still for so long. I am missing the gym and missing daily walks with my husband and dog!
We did manage to go to my mom's on Christmas Eve (even though we probably shouldn't have). We had a good time though and it was great to have Nathan and his girlfriend to go with us. My wonderful husband bought me a Kindle for Christmas! I LOVE IT!!

This is what I have been doing a majority of my reading on. If you love to read you should check this out. It is so easy to operate and so easy to read on plus, the books are much less expensive, you don't have a bunch of books laying around that you will probably never read again and you can take everything you are reading with you wherever you go. You can change the font size, have the books read aloud to you and you can even email PDF files to it so that you can take those with you too! Pretty cool, eh? I don't really like to read on the computer (I prefer reading on paper) so I wasn't sure I would really like to read on the Kindle. But really, it looks and feels like you are reading a book except that it is easier because you can hold it with one hand.
Other than that, we had a pretty small Christmas. My mom gave me a few great sweaters and my son got me a cover for my iphone. We haven't made it out to my dad's yet since we haven't been feeling well. Other than being sick though, we had a great holiday. That's the way I like it - low key and just spending time with family and friends.
So, how many of you out there got yarn bowls for Christmas?? A few of you have already written to me about your surprise!
Me, Me! I love it too. (that's about the yarn bowl, but you already knew!)
Mike loves his Kindle! I'm glad you got one. It's great isn't it? I've read a few books on his and it's so cool! Glad you are on the mend.
I have a Kindle and it was indispensable when I was commuting via MARTA. I joke that if I have to choose between my Kindle and my iPhone that I will give up the iPhone without a second thought.
I love my Kindle so much that I am now part of the unofficial Church of Kindle. It's amazing.
Be sure to go to Amazon from your computer and check the top sellers for Kindle and get all the books that you're interested in that are free for Kindle. (There are more than you would think too!)
Hope you had a Merry Christmas! I've posted a blog award for you... feel free to check out my last post
k, are you really loving your kindle? what were your reasons for wanting one. (i just keep thinking eyes on a screen more, not good and the ebooks cost as much as an actual book, so help me out here, lol!) I agree, i love the kay scarpetta series.
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