We put up our tree. Last year, our neighbor bought us this little fiber optic tree. This turned out to be great because when we moved here we pretty much got rid of ALL of our Christmas stuff. I'm not really big into decorating and we just didn't have the space to keep it and no one drives by here to see our house anyway so I didn't think that decorating the whole house was something we were really going to do anyway. But, this tree is perfect! It's 6 ft. tall and we don't have to do anything to it if we don't want to. So, we did keep our tree skirt so I put that around the base and was going to put all of our presents there since my son and his girlfriend are coming to visit us for Christmas. But, I haven't yet - because of this.

Yes - Missy, Goose and Slim seem to think that we laid out the tree skirt just for them. I'm a little afraid of what damage they will do to the presents if we put them under the tree so, for now, the presents are stacked up on my desk and the cats are enjoying their new "throw". Why do we always seem to bow to the will of the furries?
Look at this card that Wayne made with all of our animals for our Christmas cards! Don't feel bad if you didn't get one - we only sent out like 5. We were totally slack on the cards this year.

We'll be heading to Atlanta today, and Thursday and Sunday. Our friend asked us if we wanted some tickets to the Atlanta hockey game last night but we just felt like driving to Atlanta 3 times in one week was plenty!!
On Saturday, we went with our neighbor to put her dog, Dudley, to sleep. It was very sad but she rescued him from a bad situation and gave him a year of great life that he might not have ever had. He was 13 and for a Great Pyrenees that is really old! He had bone cancer in his shoulder and he was just getting too painful for Liz to keep him hanging around just for her, ya know? So, tomorrow, we'll be picking him up from the vet and driving him to a pet crematory in Atlanta. Not really a fun trip to Atlanta but I'm glad we can do this to help our neighbor so that she does not have to do it alone.
For practicality sake though - the pet crematory is like 2 minutes down the road from where we buy clay so we'll also be stopping off to buy some much needed clay. In addition to that - my mom lives like 5 minutes from there so we'll be stopping by to visit her as well. Since I bought an iphone she is taking my Blackberry so we'll be dropping that off for her. I know she is excited about it. Maybe I'll even be able to text message her now!! :)
I hope everyone has a GREAT holiday and Knit Witch will be back up and blogging again next week. I'm sure I'll have plenty of entertaining stories and pictures for you by then.
Merry Christmas!
95% of the ornaments on our tree are plastic because the cats think the ornaments are their toys and like to knock them off the tree and then bat them around.
Merry Christmas! Hope it's fantastic!
wow i am hormonal lately! (crying as i type from reading your neighbors dog story) been missing my old girl, still hung her stocking (though the cats goodies are in it this year). That was so sweet of you guys to help her out that way! And NO... xmas does not feel just days away! I have everything ready it just has flown by so quickly! You guys have a great holiday B!!
Merry Christmas to you! Safe trips and good times.
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