Want to see the picture of the ultrasound??????

Haha! Fooled ya, didn't I??? Anyone out there reading this that thought we might be adding another two legged child to our household does not know us very well. I'm sure this post didn't fool my parents one bit.
Pretty cool, eh? That, my dear blog reading friends, is a genuine box turtle egg! In all fairness, I suppose we have to give some credit to Mrs. Turtle shown here with her offspring.

I'm not sure what the story is with this turtle. We found her some weeks ago by the side of the road sitting in some pretty stagnant water. We were out on our walk so we brought her home with us and cleaned her up a bit. We then released her back in our woods by the creek. Then, a few days later we found her in our yard digging a hole. The next day she had an egg - not in the hole mind you, it was just sitting on top of the grass.
We knew that the egg would not be long for this world like that so we got two pieces of long wood that were nailed together and put them over the turtle and her egg (in sort of an A frame) to protect her and the egg(s). Next day, she was still there so we left her alone. Next day, still there. We got a little concerned about her and picked her up. She still had just the one egg and she wasn't looking exceptionally great. We did some online research and determined it was ok to move the egg after marking the top of it. If we had just left it there it would have been eaten in no time. We carefully moved the egg to our nice cozy dirt filled worm composting box and brought mom in to get cleaned up again.
She hung out on the couch with us for a while and then we put her in the worm box too. If she is still looking ok tomorrow we'll release her again down by the creek. If not, off to the vet she goes. Luckily, we were just talking to our vet last week and happened to ask her if she treats reptiles - she does so yay!
We'll keep you posted on what happens. If all is well I think the eggs hatch in about 3 months or so.
Congratulations. When you contact a vet, be sure it's one who's knowledgeable about turtles. You might also try to find a wildlife rehabber, herpetologist or a local nature center that has someone with expertise on staff. The egg should probably be placed in a incubator. The composting box my be too hot and moist.
It's not normal for a box turtle to lay its eggs above ground. This could be a young one, which makes the following even more important.
It's best to release the turtle back where you found her. Turtles are territorial and removing her from her home range can lead her to wander (probably onto a road eventually) and fail to reproduce. Since a female can live to be over 100 and very few (perhaps less than 1%) of her young will survive to adulthood, removing her from her range can severely damage a population. For more information on this subject go here:
If you contact them, they may be able to give you some guidance too.
Oh, how exciting! I hope all is well with mama turtle... Keep us posted! :) Silke
I knew it was going to be an animal of some sort. You didn't fool me for a second! How exciting! A turtle egg!
no fooling me although at first I thought wood delivery for the new shed and then I figured it was of the animal variety---at least it wasn't a snake!!!
oh wow... i hope the momma turtle turns out to be ok!!! how exciting!!! a little baby turtle!! cant wait to see it hatched! :)
You got me.lol Hugs Darcy
Congratulations. We used to find those eggs in our yard all the time. Unfortunately, they were usually already broken.
lol, i reread the beginning twice as i was kind of like" what? they don't need a drooly baby, she's talking one with feathers or something right? Lol!!
Hope everything goes well with your new found turtle and egg...
Keep us posted...
Read this and was so happy for you! We're trying too. I'll send some positive energy your way as you prepair for your new family member! What a detailed ultrasound!:)
ya know, for a second I thought maybe Nathan and his girlfriend were expecting. I like expecting turtles, though.
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