That stuff pouring over the edge is squash and the really tall stuff is corn and sunflowers. Is that not crazy looking?? This is her first year for a garden on this property too. Mushroom compost is the key here I'm thinking - amazing stuff. You can't even see her house anymore!
And - we bought some bass for the pond! 40 to be exact.
The larger bream were showing way too much interest in them so I am hoping that a bunch of them have not been eaten. They are really small so I'm sure it will be a while before we catch any of them swimming around. In my experience, bass aren't quite as friendly as bream or catfish. The bream are to the point now where they will follow us all the way around the pond when we walk around it!
Wow! I want that garden! :)
Holy cow! That's a seriously huge garden.
nice fish! Wow can you say 'supersized raised beds!!~"
Fantastic garden!
I just had a thought..... you know how Carrie Bradshaw and her friends always referred to her on again/off again/turned into husband as "Mr. Big" and sometimes they just called him "Big" for short? So, do you call Mr. Man "Man" for short?
Holy Moley that's a HUGE garden!
that garden looks like a....i don't even know what!
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