We rescued a snapping turtle from the road last week. We figured he would be happier in the pond than in the road. He can join the other 1-2 snapping turtles that are already in there. If you ever encounter a snapping turtle - be sure to pick it up by the tail - those suckers will definitely bite you and could quite possibly remove a finger when they do so. The first one we found when we moved here was HUGE and he must have weighed about 50 pounds. This one was a good bit smaller than that.

This year the Red Eared Sliders that we bought last year were no where to be found. We figure they probably moved on during all of the pond work that we had done last year. Like I said, we still have about 3 snapping turtles in the pond though. But, we really like the sliders so we went and bought a couple. They are SO CUTE!!!

Wayne says they are box turtles because they came in a box. Not so.

Slim wanted to check them out too.

And then all the fish had to check them out too.

Tomorrow we are going to pick up 40 bass for our pond. The catfish we got a few months ago are already getting huge and those bass will be getting huge also. Fish fry anyone??
Have a great weekend!!
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Careful - if that snapping turtle gets big enough, it could take fingers off. I don't think they remember kindness...
^not a fan of snapping turtles.
the OTHER turtles are perfectly ADORABLE though!
The boy-child has been begging us to take him fishing, so maybe I should bring him to your pond. ROAD TRIP! lol
nice! Our turtle that showed up in the front yard (being tortured by a few cats no less) was fondly named "roid" cause she looked like one. Our business in hawaii which we opened in , oh 1995, was named scrapping turtle.
Just so you know . . . that is not a HE snapper, it's a SHE. And she was probably crossing the road to lay eggs (yes, they do lay at least twice a season if the first lay is early enough). It probably won't stay in the pond but will go on to higher ground to lay those eggs. If the pond is in her path on the way back down (they go up to the 100 year flood plain) she might stay for a while. And watch out cuz Snappers can jump straight up - one that size can easily jump out of a 5 gallon paint bucket if you don't have something heavy on top of it. Don't even ask me how I know that . . .
way cool
neat ho!!!
Adorable pictures! I wish we had turtles here.
It must be egg layin season...3-4 flat turtles on the road over the last few days. The fish you get for your pond will be appreciated by that turtle if she stays...they can eat up a storm...fish, frogs, salamanders, other turtles...hmmmmm...maybe thats where the other red ears went?
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