
He has been hunkering down under the hot tub cover and staying nice and toasty warm. When we get in we cover him with a piece of wood so he isn't feeling too exposed. From previous posts, someone told me that this is a grey tree frog. I was watching him the other day while we were in the hot tub (it's not very often that you get to observe a frog up close and personal like) and I got a small shot of his underbelly. OMG!!! I couldn't believe it. I was actually shocked. I found this picture on the internet but I couldn't find one of the same kind of frog. The grey tree frog's underbelly was BRIGHT yellow and black. I'm showing you this picture just so you have an idea of the intensity of the color. You would never know it to look at him from the top. Hmmm.....maybe he would let us get a picture somehow.........

We found a mystery paw print in the sand that is still around the patio work site (which is almost completely done BTW - I'll have to get some pictures soon of the whole shebang). This is way too small to be Petey's print and way to big to belong to one of our cats. Fox maybe? Coyote? I know we have both of those around here. It looks more like a fox print to me. Thoughts from the blogosphere?
Looks like a wolverine to me. Mind catching him for me? ;)
Your little tree frog looks like a clump of grey clay on first inspection. A cute lump of clay, though. :)
i would think fox, cute frog! I have a lil green frog who has been living on one of the summer squash leaves sunning in the garden, he has a cousin in the lettuce and another relative inthe cauliflower as well.
Racoon? We have a couple that seem to think our roof is their night time playground and the prints look similar.
I love your little hot tub friend! how sweet! I think that is a racoon print, we have a lot of those prints around. If I'm wrong we have a mystery visitor.
Although we have spotted a red fox recently, maybe??.
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