That has been the story of our weekend. Don't get me wrong, I am very happy to have all the rain. But, when we get so many days of it in a row I really start missing the sunshine! I did manage to get a few more things planted during a break in the rain on Saturday. I planted some corn, cantelope and beet seeds. We have learned a lot starting our garden this year. There is so much to learn it is just amazing. I think we started our tomato plants a little too early and we should have repotted them into larger pots before putting them in the garden. But, when you have like 75 tomato plants - repotting them is a bit of a logistical issue! So, next year we will just start them a little later so that they are ready to go into the garden when they are a few inches high.
Here's how the garden is looking right now. The yarn bowls that come out cracked make GREAT toad houses for the garden!

Sunday I spent dyeing some of the colors that we sold out of at Stitches. I have four skeins each of Sagittarius and Pisces now available on the site. These colors were the fastest to go. So, if you were waiting on them you can get a few skeins now. I'll be dyeing more as soon as I get my yarn order in - hopefully by tomorrow!
Here's Mr. Man in the
Fun Specs he bought at Stitches!! Aren't they fun?!?!
gardening is a never ending learning experience. Ours went in the ground last weekend and last night our lows hit 35-37...but no frost!! We even started one of those topsy turvy tomato thingies as an experiment this year. Raised beds are new to our garden this year as well....i am jealous of the cracked toad houses though!! cool!
I completely agree about the rain. I'm ready for the sun again. It's wet here in Marietta!
It seems like I'm always making mistakes (most of the time, fatal) with mine. The hubby walks behind me and makes little choking and gagging noises whenever I pick up a plant at the store. lol
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