Alright all you creative thinking people!! You all know that
Yarn Intercept (Beverly) has been designing and making this fabulous sock out of Knit Witch Celestial Cloud yarn in colorway Sagittarius. The pattern kinks have been worked out and the pattern is just looking great. But, the pattern needs a name!! Here is a sneak peak of the pattern. You have from now until April 28th to submit a pattern name. You can submit as many as you want. Beverly and I will choose our favorite from the submissions and the winner will receive a free copy of the pattern and 4oz of Knit Witch sock yarn!!! Easy, right??

So just head on over to her blog to submit your suggestions. Please submit them
HERE and not on my blog. This is her contest - I am just pimping it out!! Good luck!
We also have a winner for the Knit Witch Ravelry group contest -
Jon!!! Jon will let me know if he wants yarn or roving as his prize. Thanks to everyone who participated and we'll be having another contest giveaway in May so stay tuned for more. Congratulations Jon!!!
congrats Jon! Also left a name idea!!
Beautiful sock! Love that yarn color.
Really lovely the colorway in the socks. I entered some names too :-)
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