I cast on for a hat for the Mr. using some of my handspun. Man is it ever wonky! I think this is one of my first hand spinning attempts. I can now see the importance of ending up with a balanced yarn! My stitches tend to "lean". I told him that by the time I get done with it that the hat may look like he knit it himself. But, it will certainly serve it's purpose of keeping Mr. Man's head warm and I love the colors!
Petey must have been really tired the other day. He fell asleep while he was chewing on his bone - haha!
I am sure the hat will look great an be super warm. :)
Look like I knitted it? Come on Britt....If I knitted it, it would look like all three cats had played Twister in a skein of yarn! Haha! I love it!
it will be a nice hat! lol atthe sleepy pup
I do like those colors as well!!!! As long as it works, looks shouldn't matter.
Great colors! Sometimes the wonky lean of unbalanced yarn isn't so bad in hats. The bias makes it cling to the head a little tighter.
Why yes, my friends did call me Pollyanna - why do you ask? :P
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