Here is a picture of the wheel that we started. I need to do a little more research on it because I think you continue to add to it for different seasons and occasions and such. The flags around the outside mark N, S, E and W. The closest flag in the picture (the white one) is the North direction.
On another note - we made a coffee mug for our neighbor, Liz. She was kind enough to take a picture of it for us since we forgot. I thought it was cute. Mr. Man is really a great illustrator!!

The second moebius is DONE but I can't post pictures until after Christmas. Someone is getting it for a gift!!! Shhhhhhhhhh...........................
The wheel looks cool. As does that mug! :)
Thank ewe for the info on the wheel!! Your ceremony sounded beautiful!! I myself wanted a Handfasting.
Interesting! The mug is beautiful. Like your wheel -
BTW - my animal is otter...
Salmon? That's my animal? Interesting. Is it ok if I prefer it broiled with a bit of lemon?
very cool, from my experience you do keep adding and changing things up for the seasonal attributes. I am a beaver , on the cusp of falcon...married to an owl, hmmm.
Cool wheel and great looking mug. Nice that your wedding ceremony was a personal one. I like that.
I'm an otter married to a brown bear. I'm Air; he's Earth. (And he TOTALLY keeps me grounded. I've been known to have my head in the clouds, know what I mean?) How do I find out what it all means?
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