I think the Native Americans have it right. They have a way of life that completely incorporates living in tune with nature. I'm all for that. I think we tend to lose sight of how important it is to take care of this gift we have been given to exist on.
I didn't get any pictures of the medicine wheel - dudes, it was COLD out there last night - but I will take some and post them a little later in the week. In the meantime - here are some general pictures of medicine wheels. I fell under the "Otter" sign and Wayne fell under the "Beaver" sign.

*snort* Wayne is a beaver!
Sounds very cool!
that sounds awesome! I attended a solstice celebration on saturday, it was a blast. Renaissance theme, fire dancers etc. Stop by later I will have some pictures up on my blog.
How do you know which sign you fall under? I want to know which one I am. :)
Yes, how do you know what animal sign you are? I'd like to know for me too.
We celebrate Winter Solstice each year too.I wish more people would. We light a big candle and give each other little gifts, and have bundles of symbolic greenery on the table. I will post about it soon. Happy Solstice to you!
Wow! I din't get do do any kind of celebrating like I had wanted, but have been having a great desie to burn a candle or 2. But, no candle holders to hold the candles, and, baby wants to play with fire. The celebration sounds wonderful!! And, I am with every one else, how do we know which sign we fall under?
For those of you who are interested - here's the link to look up your sign - http://www.58moon.com/images/Medicine-Wheel.jpg - I'll post it tomorrow also.
my favorite saying by chief of the seattle tribe..."we do not inherit the earth from our anscestors, we are simply borrowing it from our children" so true! (but then i grew up quite the granola girl!)
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