The perpetrators:
The crime:
Having kittens is so much fun. This is the sock I was supposed to frog back on and fix the silly cable mistwist on. Right after I posted about doing that - this is what I found. They had a total field day. I have salvaged about half of it - hopefully I can have enough patience to sit down and salvage the rest. Luckily they didn't pull out any needles of affect the actual sock at all - just the ball of yarn I was working from.
Can I just say that this is what I get for NOT having my yarn in a YARN BOWL like I am supposed to!!!! Lesson learned.
On another note - we had a visitor on our patio last night:

Think he is getting enough to eat around here? We just aren't sure........
I remember when Bella would gut my yarn. She'd meticulously pull the center of the yarn out of the skein and run around with it, winding it around furniture!
You have my sympathies!
My wee kitties are going to their new home next week. I will miss them terribly. But then they have not managed to destroy any knitting ( yet) I don't know if I'm tired or if the pic is wonky but what is your night time visitor?
If I were you, I'd make a lid for your yarn bowl too.
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