There are new
yarn bowls up on the site. We STILL haven't been able to fit in any ceramic buttons but they are coming, I swear. They are ready to go we just haven't been able to find space in the kiln yet. We also have new
spindle bowls up AND we have
linen bowls which hold your water while you spin linen. They are made so that you can tie a string around them and tie them to your spinning wheel. They are too cute! Here's a picture of my favorite one:

I finished 2 more Master's swatches but I haven't taken pictures because that just isn't very exciting to view.
Here's my cute pet photo for the day - We have pets stacked on the stairs. They have a rough life don't they?

Of course, not to be left out - Petey has to get in on the action too:
What great buds they are.
You are such a tease with the ceramic buttons. I'm anxious to see the fruits of our hard labor!
Did you sign the petition on ksee's site about saving knitty gritty and stopping global warming?
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