
I did start a golf club sock but that didn't exactly go as planned since I was working from no pattern and making it up as I went along. Usually, this is fine, and it was turning out good just a little too big but being as how I have to have stuff for the neighbors done by SATURDAY I decided to forgo that project. He's getting golf balls instead!
And, ah yes, another beautiful day here in the south! I think we hit 78 degrees today! We climbed Stone Mountain in shorts today. Gotta love livin' in the south!!! It does make going to pick out a Christmas tree feel kinda weird though.........
Tonight I'll be working on a baby hat to go with the 3x3 ribbing baby sweater that I knit some time ago. I went and got some yarn today (because YES I'm running low, ok?!?!) and I'm planning to start THIS for my son soon. Am I nuts or didn't I recently see a pattern similar to this for a hat on knitty??? I looked but now I can't find it. Must be CRS setting in......
BTW - I'm not REALLY running low on yarn.......that's just something I tell myself to justify more yarn purchases. I know you all understand.
too. hot. send winter now.
I'm with hockey mom on sending the winter now thing. Gobal warming sucks!
Did you see Tony when you and Mr. Man went hiking up the mountain?
There is just something WRONG about having the ac on in December
Yep...I saw Tony day before yesterday (Tuesday) headed up the mountain and playing the guitar as I was on my way down. This will be my 5th day in a row of climbing that rock. I am liking this global warming thing! Maybe we won't have to move to Florida? Besides....Georgia will BE the next Florida in fifty years or so huh? The Gulf coast will be in Adel! Haha! Geeez...modeling knitted hats when it's 75 degrees outside!
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