The YARN BOWLS are out of the kiln!! They are on the website now. We will be making some that are bigger soon but they turned out GREAT!!! Want a sneak peak of a couple???

The rest are on the website so go check them out HERE. We are selling these smaller ones for $15 plus S&H. They work great and are especially good for putting on the floorboard when knitting in the car! No more chasing yarn balls around!
Wayne also made our traditional front yard holiday reindeer. Cute!

I'm busy, busy, busy trying to get stuff finished up for Christmas. Wanna hear my current OTNs??
- Pair of socks for dad
- Pair of socks for Gail (dad's wife)
- Knitted caps for the kids (3)
- Crocheted coasters
- Knitted golf sock
- Baby booties and hat for a neighbor who is pregnant (due on my birthday!!)
So, that should keep me busy for at least a while! Pictures later as they become available......
BTW - The Yarn Harlot is SO right saying that gauge is a filthy little liar. I actually swatched yesterday (which I rarely do) but I was changing the yarn for a hat pattern so I figured I better. Turns out my gauge matched the gauge for the pattern exactly! I couldn't believe my luck. The pattern said to then cast on 88 stitches for the hat, which I thought sounded like a lot but I GOT GAUGE and I don't knit hats very frequently so I figured I would go with it.
Yeah, big enough for an elephant head so I tried some inconspicuous decreases. Nope, didn't work. More decreases, nope - still too big so - FROG. I then cast on with 66 stitches and it was perfect. So WHY should I waste my time with gauge!?!?!?! Geeeez......
the pots are so pretty. so true about gauge. We have 43 degree weather here but rainy ugly day.
It was a perfect day to be outside. Sorry you didn't make it to Knitch, but we are hoping to do the spin-in the second Sunday of every month, so you can try again in January!
I'm a firm believer in " Knit until it looks right" Swatching is for weenies.
swatching can be a very evil thing, that's for sure.
I love the pots! I am so envious of anybody who can throw pottery. I think Mr. Man's ability to work with clay is criteria enough to be a keeper. Mr. Dukes does not throw clay and has no interest in it. I can't really complain, though, since he never complains about the lack of finding a seat on the couch due to the line-up of knitting projects that reside there.
I just finished knitting a shawl for Christmas for my mother in law. I'll have to get to the pictures later today considering I am sitting her skyclad with color on my hair (the gray was multiplying faster than my yarn stash!!!)
Too funny. I bused tables at Provinoes for a short time in high school.
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