I am not big on pom poms. However, topping a baby hat I think they are quite cute. Does anyone out there have those satanic plastic pom pom makers?? Is there something about those things that I'm just not getting? They are two pieces of plastic and there seems only one way to use them to me, but perhaps I am totally missing the correct method for using them. They don't have a "slit" in them so you have to bring the yarn THROUGH the circle with every pass. OK - that takes like FOREVER and obviously you can't leave it attched to the ball while you do so unless you do it backwards so explain to me why I would spend 30 minutes threading yarn through the stupid thing when I can do the same thing on my fingers in like 6 seconds. Again, if I am missing the point here - please feel free to correct me. Mine are going in the trash - stupid plastic demons..........
Anyhow, I finished the baby hat (complete with pom pom made in under 2 minutes on my fingers). This goes with the baby sweater I completed sometime back. Unlike the Harlot I still seem to be on schedule for the Christmas knitting, sort of.

The pictures here make it look like the two don't match - but in actuality they do. It's the same yarn.
I'm a gadget junkie and I picked on one of those things using a 40% off coupon. Have never used it. I thought I would have a pom-pom scarf for a 8 year old. Maybe next year. Darling outfit
I had the same problem with that pom pom maker UNTIL I found this video on You Tube. It shows exactly how that device works. I was ready to throw it out the window but now I'm using them all the time. Here is the link:
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