Today has been good. Mr. Man and I did a bunch of running around for tomorrow's dinner this morning and we were done with everything by 10. We went to Sam's, Publix, gas station, seafood place for shrimp and liquor store. I always kind of feel funny about buying liquor at like 9:30 in the morning even though I know it is for dinner the next night. I feel like I have to let the guy at the counter know "Thanks! This will go great with our dinner tomorrow night! What? NO! Of course I'm not going to drink it on the way home!" Just always makes me feel like such a lusch..........
We have spent the rest of the day just hanging out at the house. I painted a wall in our living room red and I love it! We will be painting the other 3 walls a light chocolatey brown kinda color so hopefully they will look nice together. Don't worry, the 60's door curtain is going. We bought some nice bamboo ones to put up instead, just haven't gotten to that part yet. I didn't want to get paint all over them!

Here is the dinner table all ready for tomorrow. Warlock gave me a little bit of grief for everything being white. I KNOW it isn't really our "style" but the only set of formal dishes I have is white and there are going to be a lot of people here tomorrow and I don't have enough of our regular colorful plates to do the whole setting. So, white it is until the Warlock buys me a colorful set of large service dishes! Not that we do this often mind you.........

off the table once so he hasn't caused too much damage to the table as of yet. He LOOKS innocent but I know the truth..................
Warlock is outside right now making some pottery yarn bowls!! I'm excited about them! I need one myself. Pictures of those to follow soon. Here are some things he did yesterday. I said he should put faces on some of the yarn bowls and have the yarn coming out of noses our mouths. He said he was going to make one with a butt and have the yarn hole in the butt. Boys.......he got that idea from Jen's blog where she talks about non-knitters thinking that we must have magic a$$holes that we can just shoot knitting projects out of since they want all this beautiful knitted stuff and want us to make it in like a week!

Duuuude, those are some seriously cool bowls!
Cool! Love the red. The crocheted gift bags are a neat idea!
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