Now, let me explain something. I am NOT a shopper. I actually hate shopping. I buy stuff if and when I need to for the most part. I am not an impulse shopper, I do not like to go places just to "look around" and I definitely do not have a spending problem when it comes to shopping. Mr. Man is the one who like to shop in our house!! I swear we should have stock in Sam's Club. Anyway, I have no idea what comes over me when it comes to yarn! It's like all bets are off and I have a hard time controlling myself!
On another note, my mom is not a knitter. Not a wanna-be knitter, not a wowishouldreallylearnhowtodothat-knitter, not a wowwhatyouaredoingisreallyneat-knitter - nothing. However, she is always immensly supportive of me and all my endeavors - always has been. So, she has offered for me to bring her two sticks and some yarn and work through my first lesson to see if she can learn how to knit from the lesson. Wayne and I are heading over there in an hour or so for wine, dinner and knitting lessons. Something tells me I should be sure to bring the camera. More on that later!
On another note, my mom is not a knitter. Not a wanna-be knitter, not a wowishouldreallylearnhowtodothat-knitter, not a wowwhatyouaredoingisreallyneat-knitter - nothing. However, she is always immensly supportive of me and all my endeavors - always has been. So, she has offered for me to bring her two sticks and some yarn and work through my first lesson to see if she can learn how to knit from the lesson. Wayne and I are heading over there in an hour or so for wine, dinner and knitting lessons. Something tells me I should be sure to bring the camera. More on that later!
Here's my eye candy Friday shots:
This was taken at Grassy Pond in Valdosta, GA on our way down to the Okeefenokee Swamp.

this is why I haven't logged on to knitpicks to order the very nice needle gauge (that jane has - measure in american sizes and mm), even though it's only like $3. I've never gotten out of knitpicks for only $3. I've never gotten out of TARGET for $3.
I may have a problem.
I'm with you, sista. I'm not a shopper as a usual state of mind. That would be Steven. I have realized, however, I have a yarn problem. And I've done the exact same thing as you. Damn that free shipping for orders over a certain amount! I am proud of myself, however, for walking out of Knitch the last two times with having spent less than $30. On one trip I just bought stuff for the kids and didn't buy one single thing for me. This last time I walked out of there with one skein of malabrigo, one skein of artyarns, and some brittany dpns (not even lantern moon dpns! Aren't you proud of me?!) I'm still looking for a day that me and my Mr. Man can hook up with you, your Mr. Man, and your folks and alpacas. Steven's on this "home a couple of days/out of town a couple of days" schedule right now. Its very dizzying. Doesn't leave much time for porch sex!
I want a front porch! Wanna join me on a front porch Knit Witch???
Sure!!!! As long as you wear that weenie warmer sexy man!! :)
All my money definitely goes to yarn purchases. I will sacrifice something I really need so I can buy some yarn. It's sad, really.
Hey girl! I didn't realized how much info your site had 'til I looked around. It's very impressive! Also, I love your picture of the swamp. It's beautiful. And I love my eye-candy! BTW, I finally blogged-can I get back in the cool-kids-club-now? Pleeeeease?
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