She loves her big brother and Atlanta Apartment companion, Petey! Oh, and my lovely laptop cord!

Here she is next to Petey's bear.

That little bugger is getting spayed on Friday. I'm hoping that will slow her down for a day at least.
I keep meaning to get some pictures of the apartment and I keep forgetting! Maybe next time we are down there I can remember.
Things are really gearing up around here for the holidays! We have a Thanksgiving dinner at my aunt's house in Rome (GA) on Sunday that we are looking forward to. Then on Thanksgiving day we'll be working here serving and great, free dinner for our community at the High School! It should be a good time!
For Christmas, we are off to Florida for a week since that is the only time that I have a break from all 3 universities that I am involved with - so we are definitely looking forward to that!! I have only spent one Christmas away from home and that was a LONG time ago and it was pretty much a terrible trip that I can entertain you all with someday. So, this will be kind of weird but we'll have a good time. I think my son and his girlfriend are going to go with us so that will make it extra fun! BTW - my son turns 21 in like 2 weeks!!!!! Where does the time go.........?
wow, she's gotten big!! Still cute though! :)
Wow! Look at that bushy tail! What a cutey!
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