We had a fun but BUSY weekend! We helped to decorate the Feed Fannin and Deomocratic National Party floats for the 4th of July parade. I didn't really know the people doing the Democratic party float but the Feed Fannin group sort of bloomed out of the DNC party so that is why we were doing the floats together. After we were done, I looked a a few of them and said "OK - great! We are done! Now we are doing the RNC float, right?". Seriously, you could have heard a pin drop and people just looked at me with gaping mouths. I had to quickly add that I was just kidding!!!!!! They informed me that they were not THAT bipartisan - haha! It was a great float though complete with live music!! The DNC has one of the best floats in the parade.
We had a really good time being in the parade. It sure does make you feel good when the Feed Fannin float goes by and the people in the crowd start cheering for us and yelling "YAY for Feed Fannin!!!"
Our float was decorated with scarecrows and vegetables!

Here is the DNC float.

Check out the giant Mayfield cow that was behind us!

Here is Mr. Man having a good time in the parade.

This is me and ReLeah (and Cassanova). How do you like the hat I found in the box from last year?

We had a really good time and we loved being in the parade. The only thing I didn't like about it was that I didn't get to see all the floats!!!
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