This idea was shamelessly stolen from Dragonfly Fibers. She says the she does not mind that I copied her though. Imitation is the sincirest form of flattery, right? She had these great looking mugs at Stitches for her shop:

Aren't they cute? Of course, I had to have one. Then Wayne started working on a design for Knit Witch. They came amazingly fast. So, who wants a coffee mug??? :)
Have a great weekend everyone!!!! Tomorrow is my best friend's birthday. I am so happy that he is spending another birthday with me!!!

Happy birthday sweetheart!
I'd love one! Where to I go to purchase? :)
Ummm....yeah. I guess I should post them on the website, right?? Obviously, Stitches has fried my brain! We'll get them up on the site today and I'll post a quickie blog post when they are up. Thanks for keeping me straight!!
Bring one next time you guys are
at Only Ewe. I'll take one. Maybe
another slice of pizza!!!!
Polly Zimmerman
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