Wednesday, May 26, 2010


So, those of you who didn't come missed a fun party out at my dad's place! The weather was PERFECT and we just couldn't have asked for a better day. The animals were fun, there were no major disasters and everyone had a great time. Thank you all for coming - we really enjoyed having you! I ended up working a little bit helping to bring the animals in and rearrange them and everything but I believe the fun conversations carried on in my absence! Here's a few shots for ya.

We presented my dad and step-mom with the pieces of the blanket we are putting together for them! We didn't have time to get it all totally finished but everyone chipped in and made a few squares for the blanket out of yarn I had spun from the family alpacas. What a GREAT GIFT and I know my dad and Gail are really excited about getting it after waiting on me for like 3 years to get it done. I actually love it this was though - everyone has their mark on it for them!

The food was great!

The goats were pitiful - well at least this little girl was. Remember her picture from a few weeks back? She suffered a bit of an accident last week but thankfully is well on her way to recovery! She may be coming to spend some time with us if I can talk my dad and Gail out of her for a little while!

The donkey was friendly.

The filly was completely disinterested.

The peacock was showing off.

The alpacas were entertaining.

All in all it was a great day and thanks to everyone for coming and making it such a good time!


Sarah B. said...

I'm so sad that I missed the party. Was actually thinking about you the other day, I had a massive craving for lasagna and the stuff at Semolina's just wasn't cutting it. Darn you for introducing me to Scalini's!

Hockey Mom said...

Maybe you'll have another party? Some day? I wanna meet the animals! *Sniff*

Glad it was a great time!

Jane said...

I'm so sorry I missed it. Jim wasn't feeling well on Saturday, so we had to stay home. Kept me from Sandy's party that night, too. Boo! Hope you'll have another animal party soon.