I would love to tell you that we took lots of pictures of the yarn that we delievered but, I didn't. I failed. I also wanted to take some pictures of a beautiful new shawl and an adorable baby top that are made with Knit Witch yarn and being put in kits for Stitches South, but I forgot to do that too! I am going to have the shop send us some pictures though so that I can show you all those things before Stitches - stay tuned.
BTW - we got our booth number yesterday! Knit Witch will be in booth #528. I hope you will all come visit us there! I am starting to wonder how in the world we are going to fit all of this stuff into our booth!
I did get a few pictures of my dad's place for you though. It is getting really close to being done. This time I took some pictures from the other side of the house.
This is the new garage. That's me, my dad and Bella (she is actually supposed to be white!).

They have done such a great job on the house. You really can't even tell where the old house ends and the new house starts! In this picture, the old house is all the way to the right and stops at the brick chimney. This is the side of the house that faces the street.

What a gorgeous house! I'm a sucker for red tin roofs.
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