The two of them had a hilarious battle going the other day with Goose up on top of the hot tub and Petey running around and threatening to "get him". Goose was all dramatic up on his hind legs swiping and hissing at Petey who was just loving the game. I wish I had videoed it!
The other 2 cats LOVE Petey and play with him, sleep with him, steal blankets and toys from him, etc. However, there is one thing stronger than Goose's fear of Petey. Peer pressure. If the other 2 cats are doing something then he knows he has to do it or else he'll be kicked out of the kitty community club or something. In that spirit, I was able to capture this photo the other day, one which I will probably never get again.

That's Goose in the back right behind Petey ALMOST touching him. Apparently the combination of peer pressure and warmth from the fireplace overcame Goose's extreme drama laden antics when it comes to Petey.
AAAWWWWWW! How adorable! Look at those cute pets all comfy on the rug! I love animals!
LOL One of our cats is like that. She acts like dogs are big bringers of DOOM that must be avoided at all costs.
And even though it's on the innerwebs, Goose will deny it ever happened!
Oh, that is the sweetest photo. Love the expression on Petey's face...
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