
Ok, ok - so "hire" might be a strong word since it implies that I am actually paying someone. It's more like............teaching and old dog new tricks!! Haha!!!
Seriously though, I did teach Wayne to skein last week because I have been dyeing huge amounts lately. I have 2 really big orders to get out, plus I am dyeing for Stitches South and plus I am trying to get some of my bigger obligations knocked out before school really kicks into high gear. All of this equals - lots of skeining!!
Wayne has been a really great help and he hasn't even complained too much! Well, except for that one skein that got a little "tangled" and we worked on it for about an hour. I thought it might push him over the edge and make him quit his high paying job but luckily it didn't!!!
I would like to say we had a really fun weekend and did all kinds of cool stuff. But, the reality is that we spent much of it skeining! I did a lot of reading for school but we did at least manage to make it out of the house to go to the gym once or twice!
How much you want to bet he ends up making an electric thingamajig to speed up the process now? Surely his construction talents extend into the automated.
LOL Way to crack that whip. ;-)
he's just expanding his skills...
She is an excellent teacher! The pay...well that leaves a bit to be desired. Oh yeah....slave boys don't get paid! What was I thinking?
Awwwww, now he's a drink-fetcher AND a yarn winder! Excellent minion-training on your part!
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