Thursday, January 21, 2010


Yes, January is significant. Not just because it's my birthday month (3 days but who's counting) but because it seems like every renewal known to man is due in January, right?? So, you get to spend tons of money renewing this, that and the other. And, since my birthday is in January, it also means I get to renew my car tags as well. Thank goodness GA moved to the "renew in your birthday month" instead of the "OMG EVERYONE RENEWS IN JANUARY so the tax commissioners office turns into a place from hell. I still have to renew in January but thankfully, it is no longer along with everyone else in GA!

I have a black Ford Explorer. I have driven a black Explorer for probably 15 years now (dang that makes me feel old!). Not the same one mind you but a black Ford Explorer in some form. My husband also has a black Explorer. That was totally unplanned but it just worked out that way. Maybe that's why our marriage works so well? People who drive the same cars should get married? Anyhow........I digress............

So, we go to the courthouse to pay for and pick up my new car tags. Here in Blue Ridge you can do that sort of thing and you will only be there for 10 minutes at the most. And that's if there is a line. In Atlanta you would NEVER think about paying for your tags in person unless you just absolutely had to for some reason because you will be there all freaking day. OK - I'm digressing again..........

I pay for the tags, walk outside and stick the sticker on my car. My birthday is on Sunday so I was kind of cutting it close so I figure I better get it on my car before I forget. Then, yesterday my husband is getting ready to go somewhere and he asks me where the car tag is so that he can put it on. I replied "Well, it's on the car of course - I put it on in the parking lot at the courthouse." Of course, I say this all proud of myself and hits me.

We did some swapping around of the titles of our cars for some ridiculous bank reasons that I shall not bore you with. My car (the one I drive) is actually in Wayne's name and Wayne's red Ford pickup truck that he usually drives is actually in my name. see where this is going, right??

I put the tag on the WRONG DARN CAR!!!!! Ever tried to get one of those things off?? I can promise you - you can't. I had to call the tag office and tell them that I had put the thing on the wrong darn car and asked what I needed to do to fix it. Well, they acted like I was the first one in history to ever have done such a thing (I'm sure I'm not - right???). But eventually they settled on having me come by to pick up a new tag but they were sure to let me know that I had to go get the other one off of the incorrect car or I was going to jail for like a year or something. It's hard to dye yarn in the pokey, right?

I still haven't been able to get it all the way off. The darn thing comes off in like a billion pieces so you have to scrape one little sliver off at a time. Let that be a lesson to all of you - put your sticker on the right darn car!!!


judith said...

You are not the first person this has happened to... We once had all the registration and inspections expiring at the same time, "oh it'll be easier to just get it all over with..." NOT! We now have them all spaced out 3 months apart, just so we don't get things mixed up.

turtlegirl76 said...

Clearly you need flames painted on the side of yours.

Little Miss Drama Pants said...

Sounds like something I would do! I think turtlegirl is right. Flames on car. Oooh! Pain giant skeins of yarn on the side of yours.

TURBOchic said...

I've done something similar with our vehicles, both of which are in my name. A couple of years ago I went to the tax office to pay for our tags and picked up the truck's tag, but not for my car. I didn't realize I had missed anything until later that year I got a ticket for an expired tag. Doh. The ticket was more than three times the amount of the tag. Lesson Learned.

Turtle said...

i wish you had written this before, have you ever heard of un-du? that stuff takes the sticky away temporarily, long enough you could have peeled the tag off and then restuck it good as new onto the right car. (k, i actually did something similar before, but i think it was with military tag stickers)

Yarnmama said...

Hey, now I know why we get along. We have almost the same birthday and I always feel a weird connection with other Aquarians. LOL! Mine's the 26th. :)

Catherine H

Diane Bogino said...

Catherine, The truth is, you are Brittany's long lost twin! I put you in the wrong crib at the hospital. Yes , Brittany, is the oldest!


Brittany (and your) Mom. : )

See? That sticker mix up thingy doesn't seem like such a big deal, now does it?

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you Both!!