This past Sunday we had the pleasure of heading to Atlanta to go visit our good friend Jane and a few other knitters. Jane and Wayne actually graduated from high school together but we never realized it until one day Wayne got some kind of email about a high school reunion and I happened to notice that Jane's email address was on the list! I went to the same high school also actually, just 22 years later. :)
The day started by us visiting my mom, who actually lives REALLY close to Jane. That was fun, we got to hang out with her and have a glass of wine (or 3) and have some laughs and conversations. After that, we headed a little further into Decatur for this:

Everyone had a great time. We all brought a gift, the gift got a number attached to it and then we all drew numbers to see which gift we got. My gift was pretty hilarious. It started out as this big box.

But I just kept unwrapping......
And unwrapping.........

Until finally, I got THIS

A gift certificate to Knitch - yay!! So now I have two so I forsee a visit to my LYS (even though it is in Atlanta) to spend some gift certificate money!
This is me and Hockeymom

Then Chickengoddess joined in the fun.

Wayne had fun with one of the cutest babies I have ever seen - baby Pixie Purls! (Doesn't Wayne look so cute with a baby?!?!)

Katey (Snarky Katey) and Allen (of Numma Numma) were there too.

A good time was had by all - thanks Jane, Claudia and Alma!!!
Hee, that yarn was so nice! I wanted to keep it.
Where's the photo of Sandy doing the exact same thing with the other skein?
Heh. I didn't do any such thing!!1 Hee hee.
It was a great time and so good seeing youse guys!
It was so much fun! Thanks for coming, and for taking pictures. Now I can point people your way, since I was such a slacker and didn't even touch my camera.
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