Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Reasons I haven't been knitting

Reason #1

Reason #2

Reason #3

Reason #4

This is just a SMALL portion of the stuff we have been canning. Sadly, most of it has been from the farmer's market and not our own garden but I certainly am not going to complain about being able to buy freshly grown organic veggies walking distance from our house!! We have canned a BUNCH of green beans, corn, beets, pickles, squash, hot sauce, jams & jellies, tomato sauce and peppers. All the squash came out of our garden but I swear that stuf is so prolific I think it would grow on the moon!
Have you ever shucked freshly picked corn? If so, you are familiar with the corn worm. These are often present in the corn. When we started shucking the corn I was like "Wait! Let me get a bowl for the worms!". Really, I didn't think that would be a phrase I would have ever uttered. But, the fish love them!!!


LittleWit said...

That just makes me hungry. :)

Sarah B. said...

Made me hungry until I got to the last picture....

Andrea said...

Man, I need to learn how to can. That food will be decadent in the winter when you can't get fresh green beans.

Nancy said...

I see you also have a Japanese beetle in your bowel. Do the fish like them? Here in St. Louis, they are the bane of our gardening existence--they will eat anything and seem to have no natural enemies. Wish I could send a big bag of them to your fish.

Nacole said...

OMG There are worms in corn?! I had no idea. I do not think I will ever look at corn the same way again!

I have never canned anything or had to prep any veggies like you. Yes you can say I am a city girl. My Great Grandmother canned...I loved the pickles!!!!

Jane said...

Good excuse you have there.


i so loved the fresh fruit we got in germany...paper cone full of cherries were my fav!