All the sudden Willow is jolted out of her snooze and looks beyond me. I look over to see what has startled her and I see a bat silently swooping around the kitchen. Great. Pause the movie, gather all 3 cats into the bathroom while they are going ape, go get the camera, go get the fishing net and attempt to catch flying bat. Luckily, it was very easy to catch. Unfortunately our picture didn't turn out very well but we didn't want to keep taking pictures and scaring him.
We caught him in the net and got him outside. He was screaming bloody murder the entire time. Apparently he was not very happy about being in the net even though he was not harmed in any way. Once outside he stopped screaming and promptly flew away. He sure was a cute little thing though! YAY for the sucessful capture and relocation of the bat!
A bat???? In your kitchen???? I would have totally freaked out!
I once found a dead bat cleaning out my grandma's attic. It scared the crap out of me.
We had a bat clinging to the side of our house a couple of months ago. Unfortunately, it turned out he had died there....
Oh Cool! I love bats. We once had a bat hanging over the entrance to my dad's business. Everyone else was afraid to go through the doorway like it was going to get them. It was so funny. That bat could have cared less about the idiots going through the door, it just wanted a place to hang out.
they like bugs...could aid in keeping skeeters down.
lol, we had one swooping around the yard the other evening. As a kid they would on occassion fly down our chimney and make it into the house. I fondly remember using fishing nets with my uncle trying to catch them and release them outside, they do eat the mosquitos after all!
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