The other day we had some "invaders" in our small pond who thought that was pretty good easy fishing for a few meals. So, they had to be removed. We saw this guy sticking his head out of the pond.

We caught him, put him in a pillow case and Wayne drove off to go recycle and relocate him. You can see our continued work on the flagstone patio in the background! While he was gone I saw this:

I kept waiting and waiting for him to get in the pond because I knew if he got in the pond I could catch him. Eventually, he went in.

Well, Wayne drove up and I was still trying to catch the little guy. It took us about another 20 minutes to catch him. And, in a pillow case he went! It turns out that Wayne hadn't released the other one yet so we headed out for a walk down the tracks to relocate both of them far away from here so they couldn't eat anymore of our fish!!! They were relocated here. You can see the little one swimming away in the lower right hand corner of the picture.

Oh, these are Northern Water Snakes I believe for anyone who cares.
The next day we went for a walk and saw a groudhog up close that our dog tried to bring home with us and a HUGE hawk. Of course, that was the day we didn't have the camera with us!!!
This weekend is the big Blue Ridge Arts Festival so we'll be hanging out there and then enjoying the re-opening of our local farmer's market on Saturday morning - YAY!!! I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday weekend!!!!
A big thanks to Wayne and all of our other military folks out there for their amazing service to our country...............

Please tell me that Mr. Man does not have any snakes in that bag he is holding while dressed in his fatigues. He looks pretty sharp! Go figure.....Mr. Man with clothes on!
Lookin' good in that uniform, Wayne!
I'm afraid to ask what kind of snakes those are.
yuck! lol... im glad you caught them and got them away from your little fishies! :)
And an FYI for all you snake aficionados out there...while the water snake is NOT poisonous it sure puts off a terrible STINK when you capture them! PEW! The skunk of the snake kingdom!
A big thank you to Wayne and all his cohorts for keeping us safe! People may not tell you how much you're appreciated, but know that you are. Your skills go beyond snake catching duty and we thank you! :)
How did you catch those snakes in the pond? Wayne does look sharp in that uniform!
My Wayne sez thanx to your Wayne...hope y'all have a great memorial day the land of the free bcause of the BRAVE!!!
I love the snakes! Enjoy your art weekend. We'll be enjoying the Decatur Art Festival. Hope the rain misses both fairs.
I like the snake pictures.
And...thanks to Wayne, too!
Got here for the first time. I love the house. Is that the back? I saw all that yarn drying, mmmmmm.
wouldn't they eat you wee frogs and tadpoles too? don't they know you need the ribbiters to eat bugs??
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