I finished these the other night when we went to the open mic night at the local coffee shop. I don't mind telling you that it was BAD. The first time we went it was great! There were lots of talented folks there and a bunch of high school kids that really got the place rocking. This time is was sooooooooooo dull. Everyone was monotone and all the music was depressing! We actually ended up leaving - we just couldn't take it anymore! But, at least I had some knitting to keep me busy. Our neighbor went with us and once the music started she was like "Uh, what else ya got in that bag over there?". I fished her out some leftover alpaca and a crochet hook so she wouldn't fall asleep. Poor Mr. Man was just stuck listening to the "music". I think he seriously considered taking up knitting at that point!
Our neighbor wanted to make a hat for our cat (obviously she just needed SOMETHING to do to keep her occupied during the bad music) but I told her that if I tried to put that thing on Slim I would probably draw back a bunch of bloody fingers!!
Put what? Did I miss a photo?
The sock looks great! Did you plan for it to stripe like that?
Nice socks! I really like the color and how it does and does not make a pattern at the same time.
I love the socks!!!!!
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