In all of that there are 6 braids of 50% Alpaca/50% Merino, 6 braids of 100% BFL, 6 braids of 50% Tencel/50% Merino and 6 braids of 100% bamboo. So, everyone go and support your LYS and be sure to check out the Knit Witch roving! I know Knitch has such a wonderful group of loyal followers though that I don't even need to say that.
We also had lunch with my mom while we were in Atlanta which is always a good time!! We always laugh a lot and almost get thrown out of wherever we are.
Hey - and while I have your attention - PLEASE go vote for my neighbor's dog to be the Bissell spokes model! He is perfect. He is huge and hairy - he is a Great Pyrenees. He is listed under Dudley Doolittle. Just follow the link to vote for him. Thanks!!
Congratulations! :) That's wonderful!
Ah, cute pup, went and voted. Hey the fibers look great! So cool they asked you! Off to drop dear daughter off at school. She claims she does not feel well enough to drive but i think the small amount of snow is freaking her out a bit....her drive is 20-25 min...me round trip with snow, at least an hour, le sigh, i'll be a good mommy.
I have to leave a little SHOUT OUT to Barbara my newly found daughter! It's her birthday! Happy birthday Barbara!
Congratulations!!! I voted for puppy, nd Happy Birthday to Barbara!
Congratulations! I'm heading over to Knitch in a few minutes, and can't wait to see the roving.
Very nice !!! I'm not too far down the road from ATL/Knitch. I'll have to stop in and check it out. Oh and, Congrats !!!
Congrats on the roving! I voted for the doggie. Happy Birthday Barbara!
Woo Hoo! That is terrific...Of course, heading up to Blue Ridge is closer for me :)
Voted! And it's about damn time you got picked up by a yarn shop! That's so awesome!
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