Oh yeah, that's two of the Master's Level I swatches. Once we had decided to move the program got put on the back burner when I was about halfway through. Then, one day I received my copy of Cast On in the mail and lo and behold guess who's name was in there that they had passed Level I? Oh yeah, miss fancy pants who is already almost done with Level II now. So, I figured I better get it in gear and get back to work on it. I think those are swatches 9 and 10 or 10 and 11 - something like that.
I am also blocking a couple of swatches from my hand dyed yarns.
With several others waiting in the wings to be blocked. I am hoping to have swatches of almost all of our colors by the time Stitches South rolls around - which is amazingly right around the corner!

For Christmas my mom got me a gift certificate for Knit Picks (yay mom!). So for like $2.96 I got these in the mail!
I figured the last darn thing I need in this house is more yarn (I feel certain that my husband agrees with that statement) so I opted for books. I am kind of kicking myself now for not checking the Master's list of recommended books and getting some of those books though. I didn't think about it at the time. Darn, I guess I will just have to order more books then. :)
Oh yeah - tomorrow is my birthday (I keep forgetting). I'll be 36. What should we do to celebrate?? Any suggestions?
Happy Birthday! We usually do dinner and a movie for birthdays over here in NC.
Happy day before your birthday! I think you should practice target shooting in the general direction of your most annoying neighbor. =P
Hey! Swatches! Nicely done. In the German tradition, it is the birthday person who treats his/her friends to a night out on the town. I say dress up Mr Man and take him out. :)
Happy Birthday!
Birthdays are to do whatever you want. I always want to go to the Smoky Mountains.
Happy early Birthday. I swear that getting back on the Master's project is on my to do list. Funny how long that list has become. I think I am booked through June ;) You should hang out and have a relaxing day tom'w. At least that's what I would do because we just don't get too many of those around here. :)
Happy birthday! Usually we keep it quiet unless we take off for a lil weekend jaunt somewhere. Personally as long as i don't have to cook that day all is well with me! So how are you enjoying level 1. What made you decide to do this program? ( i have thought about it but ....)
Happy Birthday to you! Do what pleases you the most on your birthday.
Happy Birthday!! I have no suggestions for you, I don't get parties here. BUT, ewe weel next year, EYE TELL EWE!!!!
Do not go see the movie Doubt for your birthday movie like I did. Not a good choice for a birthday movie, even if you are a deep and introspective person.
Tell me again about the masters knitting thingy. Maybe I feel game.
Hope you do something fun.
You guys coming to Stitches South huh? YAY! I need more sock yarn.
Happy Birthday Sweetie!!!!
Thank your mother for having you!
Love you and wish you a gazillion more!
Your Mom
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