And here are some of the yarns we have dyed over the weekend. We are working on getting these up on the site and hopefully we will be able to get them up by tomorrow. Mr. Man is working on getting the pages built right now. I'm working on getting the gorgeous alpaca skeined up that I dyed yesterday so we should have lots to get on the site!

cool old homes, are they on your property or far from it? I love the first skein!! very fallish!
Those colors are great! :) I took a walk this weekend too, right through the open fire hydrant down the street. It really felt great on a hot day!
Oh my good gravy. I HAVE to have that lilac and green skein....how much??? how long before it's on the site??? That is beeeYOUtiful!!!! I'll be checking everyday till it's there!!!
WOOOOOHOOOOOO!! I got a skein! YAYAYAYAYAY!!! Don't know what the heck I am gonna do with it but it is lovely....can't wait to get it now!!!
Very yummy stuff - I lurve yarn pron. Also love the pic of the old bridge. Hope your holiday was as good as it looks.
I want the lite purple 'n green!!!
i like the pictures...of the yarns too, colors are great.
The only word I can think of to describe this yarn is luscious! I hope they'll be regulars on your site since I'm on a strict budget right now. But as soon as I'm able I'll be going yarn shopping!
I'm especially drawn to the lavender.
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