On the same day we did these two lace weights and I LURVEEEEEEEE the way they turned out!! So, I'll share them with you here. The top one is a gorgeous teal and the bottom one is a silvery grey/blue colorway.

Over the weekend we went to the Wildlife Arts Festival in downtown. We went to the raptor show, which was GREAT! They had all kinds of raptors - screech owls, Barred Owls, Bald Eagles, Vultures, Hawks and Kestrals. It was a really neat show. The Vulture was my favorite - what a great personality (er. ...birdonality rather) that girlie had!! The birds were injured, raised by people or otherwise non-releasable so they go around doing educational programs.
Here's a couple pictures from the festival:

This is Liz and I wandering around the festival. We affectionately call her Lizardo.

Oh, and I totally posted a picture from the raptor show yesterday without realizing that I hadn't told you about the festival yet! So, if you missed the Red Tail Hawk yesterday go check it out!
I love the yellow. It looks sunshine! :)
*drool* teeeeeaaalllll
*drool* laaaaayyyccceee
I love the colors!
Why, oh, why must you tempt me with your gorgeous yarn??? I can't WEAR yellow! But I love it. And WANT it!
Butter Witch and Lizardo! Cracks me up. You look like you had fun at the festival. Your yarn is beautiful.
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